PCT after 1 year on gear? (blast and c_r_u_ise)

I'm no vet but even I know you dont use HCG for PCT.
You use it while on and stop before starting PCT as it will be counterproductive and interfere with said PCT.
His dosage is way off too.

Yeah I've never done a pct in my life so I really don't know to much on the subject.
Ok i have clomid on hand, i'll start pct mid feb, should i start hcg now?

As mentioned, i'm no vet. I'm soon about to do my second cycle but from my understanding people do it "2 ways".
Running it for entire cycle, twice a week (250iu), stopping before you start pct. This being the recommended way.

Or you blast higher dosages for 10 days before you start PCT to help "kickstart" it, this being the "inferior" method from my understanding.
Seeing as we're soon in mid feb, you dont have much choice i guess.
Just dont run it while off and started eating clomid.