Not really hungry in the morning, how can i change this?


Professional Beer Drinker
I don't have a problem eating any other time of the day. But i want to focus more on getting a good 1st meal in early and it seems when i wake up i have a hard time getting the meal down. Ive heard of some things that you can eat before bed taht is suppose to help give you more of a hunger in the morning but that was long ago and i'm not sure how much truth was in it.

I really don't want to drink a protein shake in the morning as i would actually like to get a true meal in.

any ideas?
Drinking is easier and faster than eating. Just make a breakfast shake and chug it down in less than a minute.

Depending on your diet just blend a shake with ingredients like... 1/2 cup oats, powdered egg whites, whole eggs, regular egg whites, egg beaters, protein powder, water, milk, OJ, blueberries, strawberries, peanut butter, almonds, banana, etc etc etc.

Oats, powdered egg whites, and maybe some fruit to make it taste ok would be my choice.

I notice that when I eat a big late night meal I feel hungrier when I wake up. Weird.
Phil9999 said:
if u start forcing ur breakfast down ur body will get used to eating it and u may even get hungry

DITTO!! I've got to second that suggestion because I use to be the same way about being unable to eat (no hunger) in the morning. I was told by a pro, get up a little earlier then normal and EAT!! So I forced myself and with in about 3 or 4 weeks, I started waking up with that hungry feeling in my belly. Now it's just habit and I look foward to that first shake of the day as soon as I get up!
What's the latest that you eat? Sometimes cutting your calories in half for a few days will get your body to release more grehlin hormone that's responsible for "hunger". I havent had appetite for years and had to force myself to eat regular meals. IGF1 also helps with the appetite, maybe eating late at night too.
Just eat one huge breakfast meal one morning, make so much shit you can't eat anymore. You won't be able to go another morning without eating.