Not recovering from cycle... ED HELP!!!


New member
So here my background... i was young and stupid dont bash...

I started prohormones when i was around 16... tren250, sus500, mdrol, tokyo stack, tokyo tren, all that good stuff. but no pct.. didnt know i needed it. my homies would tell me to just take it. i was naive and i regret making those decisions.

later after highschool i started with sust250. no pct... still not knowing a thing about it. just trusting my friends.
then they got me into another cycle of Sustanon (sust) 250 6-8 months after the previous. i followed up with nolva. then prop. and nolva. then another Sustanon (sust) with dbol this time... only nolva four 4-5 weeks. i shouldve done my research... i know dont need to add that shit. just help me where im at now.

On cycle i would be having sex with my girl all day... to the point where she would forcefully have to tell me to stop.
but after this past dbol Sustanon (sust) nolva cycle.. my dick wouldnt really go up. or itd get up and go down really quick.. im not sure if it was ED.. or even if i was gay.... but no fuck that i aint gay.. i was just searching every possible outcome.. then i came across this survey of low Test online.. and found out of 8 checkboxes i had 6... i was fatigued, weight loss, muscle loss, low sex drive, softer erections and all that... i feel like sex or even jerking off to porn is a task now.. i have no motivation for sex or anything.. its hard to motivate myself to get in the gym.. i have an easier schedule in college and im still extremely tired. when im in the gym i feel like cutting my workouts short.. and my weights have gone extremely down since cycle.. i was at about 175 lbs. pressing 320lbs. and now im at around 265 a few reps.

Im trying to get my bloodwork done asap within this week or next...
But your guys input and opinions would mean everything to me. i feel as if no one knows what im going through...
and i just want to feel normal again, whether TRT (test. replacement therapy) is what i need to do for life.. i dont care feeling like this sucks...
please give me your best input.

im not really knowledgeable with all this... but clomid can restore my test and get me producing normal levels again?!?!?
in other words.. ill be back to normal no need for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and hcg?
im not really knowledgeable with all this... but clomid can restore my test and get me producing normal levels again?!?!?
in other words.. ill be back to normal no need for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and hcg?

There is never a guarantee. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) wouldn't hurt either. Are your balls shrunk to nothing?
what do you mean never a guarentee?? no my balls used to be small as shit on cycle...but off of cycle theyre much bigger now..
what do you mean never a guarentee?? no my balls used to be small as shit on cycle...but off of cycle theyre much bigger now..

There is never a guarantee that you will come back to normal. Why do you think some ppl are on TRT? Your balls wouldn't be raisins "on cycle" if you had added Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in your cycle.
You should go to a Hormone Dr. if things are that bad. Have you done any blood work?
no bloodwork yet.. should i go see the doc first and see what he thinks before bloodwork?
what do you think the chances are of coming back.... last cycle ended about mid jan..
no bloodwork yet.. should i go see the doc first and see what he thinks before bloodwork?
what do you think the chances are of coming back.... last cycle ended about mid jan..

The Dr will send you for blood work. If you really want to try to get better, just be honest with him in your past use. There are many reasons for ED and it is not always steroid related. Only a good Dr can predict your outcome. Just relax and do one thing at a time.
The Dr will send you for blood work. If you really want to try to get better, just be honest with him in your past use. There are many reasons for ED and it is not always steroid related. Only a good Dr can predict your outcome. Just relax and do one thing at a time.

Alright. thanks bro ill let you know how it goes.
I'm actually in the EXACT same predicament.

I'm "on" most of the time, usually doing 12-14 weeks moderate cycles of Test (600-750mg/wk) and adding either tren or deca and after 3 or 4 months I'll cruise for 3-4 months on about 250-300mg of test a week. But I wanted to come off because I want to be able to have kids one day. I'm 32, not ready just yet, but the longer I stay on, and the older I get, the harder it becomes. But same symptoms... no sex drive at all whatsoever! I don't ever feel like sex or even watching porn, and it's hard to get an erection if I can at all. Low energy, etc.

I'm not really concerned about my test levels not returning b/c TRT is an option, however I do want my sperm count to come back and maybe I'll just have them frozen.

I did 500iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 10 days straight after my last test injection and 2 weeks after my last shot started Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) 40mg a day for about 3 weeks and then 20mg for about a week and a half. I stopped for about 4 days b/c it had been 4 weeks but I still haven't recovered at all. Balls didn't plump up, no sex drive at all. So I have some clomid pills, I'm going to take them for the next week or 2 and see if that helps.

But my point to all this was to show you that you're not alone and I'm actually going to the dr on Friday to get bloodwork done and see what can be done.