Just to add to what jyzza said.......plus the fact this is my standard reply to you younger bros,
Until the age of 24, your body is overflowing with testosterone and growth
hormone. If you can't make progress without drugs when you're still young, you
need to re-evaluate a few things -- mainly your training and your
supplementation. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to progress on a
consistent basis without drugs. And if you can't, chances are you won't do much
better with drugs. Steroids will also close the growth plates of long bones so if
you haven't reached full height, steroids may prevent further skeletal
development, not to mention, they'll be shutting down your hormonal system at a time when it's reaching maturity. Don't mess with your reproductive system at this point. You're going to need it.
That being said........., knowing that you are not going to listen......, as you have already started another thread about your T400.....for a good cycle, all you need is to do 400 mg of your Test for 8-10 weeks.
By the sound of your first attempt, you did not do any post-cycle recovery......... did you ? That's why you lost your gains.
You need do do some reading on anti-e's, nolvadex and clomid.
But you really should wait a good couple of years.