Not sure how to take my cycle


New member
I've got a couple bottles of Reforvit-B, 200mg EQ, and t400 and I want to take it all but I'm not sure how to put it all together.
I've got a bunch of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid also because I want to cycle for awhile

Cody.......will this be your first cycle?

How old are you, how long have you been training for and what are your goals?
I've got a bunch of friends who play college football and they got me to try some t200 so I did and got pretty good gains but that was about it
I took about 4 bottles and after the cycle I was a constant 200 pounds but I stopped working out as much as I use to but just recently started working out hard again. Now I'm at 185, slim 185
Cody1120 said:
I've got a bunch of friends who play college football and they got me to try some t200 so I did and got pretty good gains but that was about it
I took about 4 bottles and after the cycle I was a constant 200 pounds but I stopped working out as much as I use to but just recently started working out hard again. Now I'm at 185, slim 185

How old are you bro ??

& Welcome to Steroidology !!
Given your age I would wait 3-4 more years and concentrate on your diet as well as finding out what works best for you.....when you can't make any more gains naturally then before the use of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I would research them for another year. There is lots to learn here bro....muscle shocking techniques and other body workouts that will help you achieve your goals without of turning to ASS too early in life.
Just to add to what jyzza the fact this is my standard reply to you younger bros,

Until the age of 24, your body is overflowing with testosterone and growth
hormone. If you can't make progress without drugs when you're still young, you
need to re-evaluate a few things -- mainly your training and your
supplementation. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to progress on a
consistent basis without drugs. And if you can't, chances are you won't do much
better with drugs. Steroids will also close the growth plates of long bones so if
you haven't reached full height, steroids may prevent further skeletal
development, not to mention, they'll be shutting down your hormonal system at a time when it's reaching maturity. Don't mess with your reproductive system at this point. You're going to need it.

That being said........., knowing that you are not going to listen......, as you have already started another thread about your T400.....for a good cycle, all you need is to do 400 mg of your Test for 8-10 weeks.
By the sound of your first attempt, you did not do any post-cycle recovery......... did you ? That's why you lost your gains.

You need do do some reading on anti-e's, nolvadex and clomid.

But you really should wait a good couple of years.