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Hello guys (and girls if there are any here hahah )

First let me describe me quick , i am 16 years old lets say 17 because i am really close to that age (also very mature) . I am been training for 3 years serious , right now i am around 202 cm and 96 kg 9% bodyfat. pretty descent transformation since i started of around 75 kg being bullied for my weight .

Okey heres the deal , Lately i have been thinking alot about taking steriods this isnt any instant "need to get ready for summer feeling ". bascially this has been my life for the last 3 years . I think my joints is ready (ex bench a bit over 225lb) and defentily trough research and mistakes learned how my body responds to certain diets. When you choice to make a such big descion in life you should do it correct , thats why i wont be taking no orals my first cycle plan is :

Test E : 250 mg for around 10 w (will buy anti estrogen incase of gyno , and proper pct)

Of course i have been thinking alot about the sides. The only side effect i could come up with was feeling ****ty post cycle and the risk of hurt your future tesosterone levels. Lets face it i dont think i will be having any serious cholosterol effect or hurt my innerbody with that cycle. Yeah i am aware of that the rise of estrogen will possibly shut down my growth plates , but come on i am a bit over 200 cm and got very broad shoulders .

Right now i defentily see the pros outweight the cons . I was so extremly beta before lifting, and now i get respect from others and girls start to mirin my height and body. But i am not only training for others lifting is something i do because i love it and its my main passion. But to be honest there is one thing that i want to confirm 100 % before starting a cycle . Right now my heart health is pretty good around 53 bpm at rest rate and i want to keep it that way . I know taking large amount of steriods could cause heart hypertrophy in a unhealthy way , will a moderate dose of test E cause any heart enlagerment ?

If you read this i just wanna thank for you taking your time and reading it . Do you guys think it is really bad ?
at 17 bro you're still a kid. train hard and keep working but please don't use AAS. at your age the risks are beyond what the reward is. you have made gains naturally keep doing that for a while. in the future you will be happier you made the decision not to take steroids at this age.
^^^^^^ agreed . plus man , what are your goals ? ... why not just continue training until u get a bit older ... u can still achieve alot naturally im sure .
This fucker is not even allowed to have an account on the site. Focus on school and worry about getting some pussy my man.
So you're my height (6'7"), but 211lbs - and think you're ready for AAS?

Hmm. I'm trying to play nice, but remain firm.




Sorry bud, you have a loooong way to go, before you should even start thinking about AAS. I'm not even touching the age thing (the most important reason), but you're ALREADY on steroids! I exploded at your age, and ended up around 280lbs by the time I was a senior at a similar body fat - naturally.

Juice will be there when it's time (25+), till then - keep lifting hard and MASTER the art of nutrition.

My .02c :)
So you're my height (6'7"), but 211lbs - and think you're ready for AAS?

Hmm. I'm trying to play nice, but remain firm.




Sorry bud, you have a loooong way to go, before you should even start thinking about AAS. I'm not even touching the age thing (the most important reason), but you're ALREADY on steroids! I exploded at your age, and ended up around 280lbs by the time I was a senior at a similar body fat - naturally.

Juice will be there when it's time (25+), till then - keep lifting hard and MASTER the art of nutrition.

My .02c :)

Being 6'7" is useful for everything other than bodybuilding. Having to fill out that kind of frame sounds difficult. A 6'7" ifbb pro would probably want to weigh in at around 325 lbs on contest day, which is a crazy weight.
Hello guys (and girls if there are any here hahah )

First let me describe me quick , i am 16 years old lets say 17 because i am really close to that age (also very mature) . I am been training for 3 years serious , right now i am around 202 cm and 96 kg 9% bodyfat. pretty descent transformation since i started of around 75 kg being bullied for my weight .

Okey heres the deal , Lately i have been thinking alot about taking steriods this isnt any instant "need to get ready for summer feeling ". bascially this has been my life for the last 3 years . I think my joints is ready (ex bench a bit over 225lb) and defentily trough research and mistakes learned how my body responds to certain diets. When you choice to make a such big descion in life you should do it correct , thats why i wont be taking no orals my first cycle plan is :

Test E : 250 mg for around 10 w (will buy anti estrogen incase of gyno , and proper pct)

Of course i have been thinking alot about the sides. The only side effect i could come up with was feeling ****ty post cycle and the risk of hurt your future tesosterone levels. Lets face it i dont think i will be having any serious cholosterol effect or hurt my innerbody with that cycle. Yeah i am aware of that the rise of estrogen will possibly shut down my growth plates , but come on i am a bit over 200 cm and got very broad shoulders .

Right now i defentily see the pros outweight the cons . I was so extremly beta before lifting, and now i get respect from others and girls start to mirin my height and body. But i am not only training for others lifting is something i do because i love it and its my main passion. But to be honest there is one thing that i want to confirm 100 % before starting a cycle . Right now my heart health is pretty good around 53 bpm at rest rate and i want to keep it that way . I know taking large amount of steriods could cause heart hypertrophy in a unhealthy way , will a moderate dose of test E cause any heart enlagerment ?

If you read this i just wanna thank for you taking your time and reading it . Do you guys think it is really bad ?

In all probability you will likely end up having to inject testosterone for the rest of your life just to feel normal. It's called TRT and I'm on it (along with a heap of other guys for the rest of our lives) because we started too young. That's why we're warning you against it - we've been there and made that mistake. No need for you to as well.
Being 6'7" is useful for everything other than bodybuilding. Having to fill out that kind of frame sounds difficult. A 6'7" ifbb pro would probably want to weigh in at around 325 lbs on contest day, which is a crazy weight.

Even higher if we want to truly stand out. My goal is 330lbs at 9-10% body fat. I may actually stand up on stage at that point, but that's still easily another year of busting ass to achieve.

It's really difficult in my opinion when tall because we can build tremendous strength; which unfortunately also brings risk of connective tissue damage. I'm truly jealous of the guys that have HUMONGOUS biceps, and gained them curling 35-40lb dumbbells.

Bleh, enough whining from me. :wiggle:

At 16 I will have to ask you to understand you can t be here w o a slip from Mum saying you can and the Admin may still say "no" so I ll ponder this over a coffe a cig and a crap and either lock or delete this thread. No offense but Mum s permission is recguired before your allowed to even come to the AAS pub, OK ?
Wow. I'm not even cycling, just trt dose with levels between 750 and 900 and I've got a bench over 300, deadlift over 47. I chat with my 26 year old son the other day and he says he just got his testosterone tested. 856 total. Holy crap!

So at 26 his natural levels are probably higher than mine right now on TRT!

At 16 or 17, educate yourself on nutrition, optimal exercise plans, Etc. You've got all the T you need to be crushing it!!
You're too young man. You're 17, your body is already on a cycle, naturally. Just work hard, eat right and sleep like a baby. You don't need AAS for another few years.

It doesn't sound like you're doing it for the right reasons either, but I don't judge. If all you care about is being the big guy or having girls take a second look at you, it's definitely not worth it. Do you know about all the side effects? Do you really want to be married to a needle one day or tell your wife that you can't have kids because you wanted to be the big guy on campus? Not saying it will happen, but it's a very real possibility.

Now you could say that Arnold used AAS at 15 and he's fine, or strongmen use AAS at a young age, like the mountain. But what you probably don't know is that Arnold had a quadruple bypass and is probably on hrt now. The mountain was already strong before AAS and is now very successful in his sport, he was always going to be a champion. That is the ONLY reason for someone to use AAS at a young age, if you are dead set on creating a career for yourself with your body and you are guaranteed to be successful. At the end of the day, if you take AAS away from any champion, bodybuilding, strongman or powerlifting, the champ will remain the champ.

Give it a few more years bud. If not to save your HPTA, then to at least make a mature, informed decision.