Now available at the AF STORE- SESAMAX


Community Veteran
Ulter said:

Sesamax is the highest purity extract of Sesame lignans available. Its high percentage of Sesamin and Episesamin provide the user with the benefits of strong PPAR-alpha agonism. These benefits include:

• Accelerated Fat loss
• Reduced Fat gain with calorie surplus (bulking or just overeating)
• Improved insulin sensitivity
• Increased mitochondrial activity
• Liver protection via hepatic fatty oxidation
• Decreased triglycerides
• Anti-inflammatory actions
• Lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol
• Raising HDL (good) cholesterol
• Increased vitamin E levels

$29.00 Introductory offer at The AF Store

This is a great product. Maybe one of the most useful to the people on this board.
