i've only really touched tren and test, i usually either do 350 test and 350 tren a week, or 175 test 700 tren a week.
just got some NPP looking to do a clean bulk. how would 525 test and 525 NPP work?
typo, got confused i meant 175 test. i always always always run my test at a TRT dose when i'm on tren or mast or both because i like looking as shredded as i can when im using those. hahah i know guys who try to cut on like 1 gram of test along with tren and mast and they still look like a bloof ball of water no matter good their tame their water weightWhy start at 350 test?
I haven't done high-ish test in a really long time so i think i'll do, or start at, exactly what you said. 150mg test prop eod along with 100mg npp eod. thanks. is caber needed at that dose? when i do 700mg tren ew i'm good with .5mg caber twice a weeknpp 100mg eod for 12 weeks and 150mg test prop eod prop or if like test low or pref slow ester could just do 350mg teste ew with the 100mg npp eod. 75-150mg npp eod is a nice spot IMO.
you ruled out sex because 1. you were running a TRT dose of test, and 2. you weren't running a dopamine agonistIf I was running a trt dose of test and 525mg of nandrolone I could rule out sex for the duration.
Nandrolone is way less androgenic than tren. No comparison really even though both are 19nor.
I have no such problem with tren. You will be the judge.
If I was running a trt dose of test and 525mg of nandrolone I could rule out sex for the duration.
Nandrolone is way less androgenic than tren. No comparison really even though both are 19nor.
I have no such problem with tren. You will be the judge.
and progesteroneThis makes absolutely no sense at all! Why do I keep seeing these posts about low test/high deca will ruin your sex life? Some of you are misinformed and not managing e2 properly...
This makes absolutely no sense at all! Why do I keep seeing these posts about low test/high deca will ruin your sex life? Some of you are misinformed and not managing e2 properly...
I haven't done high-ish test in a really long time so i think i'll do, or start at, exactly what you said. 150mg test prop eod along with 100mg npp eod. thanks. is caber needed at that dose? when i do 700mg tren ew i'm good with .5mg caber twice a week
This makes absolutely no sense at all! Why do I keep seeing these posts about low test/high deca will ruin your sex life? Some of you are misinformed and not managing e2 properly...