NPP for joint health, how much and how does it affect estrogen?


I like bananas
Picked up a couple bottles of NPP and I want to add it to my TRT program. Currently I run 200mg of test per week split into 2 doses every 3.5 days with .5mg Adex when I pin. I want to add 100mg of NPP at the same time that I pin my test for a total of 200mg a week which I'm told is a good therapeutic dose. What can I expect to happen with my estrogen numbers with the added NPP? Will I experience any "Deca Dick" at that dosage? Thank you for the comments.
Picked up a couple bottles of NPP and I want to add it to my TRT program. Currently I run 200mg of test per week split into 2 doses every 3.5 days with .5mg Adex when I pin. I want to add 100mg of NPP at the same time that I pin my test for a total of 200mg a week which I'm told is a good therapeutic dose. What can I expect to happen with my estrogen numbers with the added NPP? Will I experience any "Deca Dick" at that dosage? Thank you for the comments.

NPP has very mild conversion to E2. You're joins will feel better, but that's about it at this dose. Also be aware that all 19-nor (like NPP / Deca) are suppressive to your thyroid. I would keep an eye on TSH and T3/T4 when getting your TRT bloodwork done. Also, you will need to come off the NPP after some time. At that point any prior joint pain will return.

You are on TRT and taking 200mg a week of test - you will NOT experience deca dick. If you took the NPP with no test, then yes you would get the dreaded deca dick
You need to pin NPP every other day due to the short half life. Deca would be a much better choice.

Manage E2 and Deca Dick shouldn't be an issue. But have a Dopamine Agonist (prami or caber) just in case prolactin becomes elevated.
The one thing that hadn't been touched on yet was that nandrolone can trick a Roche ECLIA blood test into seeing elevated hormone levels. Keep that in mind if getting a blood test for your doctor. :)
The one thing that hadn't been touched on yet was that nandrolone can trick a Roche ECLIA blood test into seeing elevated hormone levels. Keep that in mind if getting a blood test for your doctor. :)

Halfwit, my doctor is very open to today's "therapies" and I tell him everything I am up to. Let's say the two bottles of NPP were the last bottles on earth and I couldn't get any more. Should I use them up since I already have them? Can they be pinned subQ? I hate to throw these away but I did get them for free from a reliable source. Just asking, I know you guys have my back so I value your opinion and won't go against it. Can anyone point me in the direction of getting a dopamine agonist? Which one, prami or caber? I don't know much about them. Thank you. The help is always MUCH appreciated. ***9786;***55357;***56457;
Halfwit, my doctor is very open to today's "therapies" and I tell him everything I am up to. Let's say the two bottles of NPP were the last bottles on earth and I couldn't get any more. Should I use them up since I already have them? Can they be pinned subQ? I hate to throw these away but I did get them for free from a reliable source. Just asking, I know you guys have my back so I value your opinion and won't go against it. Can anyone point me in the direction of getting a dopamine agonist? Which one, prami or caber? I don't know much about them. Thank you. The help is always MUCH appreciated. ***9786;***55357;***56457;

I am not Halfwit, but I wil chime in.

You can use the NPP. But if you do, run it properly. At the right dose (200mg/wk for therapeutic) and with the right pinning frequency. And yes, you can pin any AAS subq if the volumes are suitable.

You can get Prami from RUI. I personally prefer caber but they don't carry it.
Tron said pretty much what I would have. :)

I won't come off deca, too many surgeries and arthritis is a bitch. I just make sure we get sensitive assays. ;)
i was recently doing 350 NPP a week alongside 350mg test prop a week, i didnt like the NPP because i felt a little bloated on it but mainly because i ran out of caber and i'm not taking any chances with elevated progesterone.

as far as estrogen.. 6.25mg of aromasin kept my e2 in check when i was on the NPP, and keeps me in check now when i'm doing 350mg test prop and 350mg mast prop a week.

and that's my 2cc's