Npp or deca for blasting??????

Beefy Nugz

New member
Which is better prefered when blasting in between doc app's. If i run bloods every 6 months for the doc, would i be ok running deca for 15 weeks. Reason i ask is because i read that deca can be found in your system up to a year later! I know npp is out of your system sooner but also more costly.

Does npp offer the same benifits as deca as far as joints and tendons are concerned?
NPP and Deca are both Nandrolone. They are just different esters. Either one can be used -- just depends how frequently you want to pin.

Nandrolone can be detected for a long time if a drug test is performed that checks for steroids usage. This would be a poor choice if you are in the NFL something where the organization checks for Steroid use. But a regular doc appointment blood work doesn't check for this.
NPP and Deca are both Nandrolone. They are just different esters. Either one can be used -- just depends how frequently you want to pin.

Nandrolone can be detected for a long time if a drug test is performed that checks for steroids usage. This would be a poor choice if you are in the NFL something where the organization checks for Steroid use. But a regular doc appointment blood work doesn't check for this.

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