
New member
I've used ephedra and caffene and liked it but how about NYC have you guys used it and had results and which do you prefer.
Well they're really two different things. One works the Parasympathetic system (PNS) and the other works the Synpathetic system (SNS). NYC is for thermogensis and burns fat nicely. ECA is more for energy and anti-catabolic. Using both is an overload on the CNS, but both have lipolysis effects, I prefer NYC though to answer your question. I use ECA an awful lot though....
I have found NYC to be not only a better product than ECA, but clen as well. (seriously)

NYC has an affect that the other two can comare with. I dont get that cracked out jittery feeling either. Watch out for spotnanteous erections though.
I much prefer NYC for fat loss, but ECA for energy.

You can't get NYC over the counter's been outlawed in nutrition stores....but you can get it at
I just ordered A generic ECA..... do you guys really think there is a huge difference in the two ? now im wishing i had known of the NYC.., what is the active ingredients in NYC ??
Hammer said:
I've used ephedra and caffene and liked it but how about NYC have you guys used it and had results and which do you prefer.

I was just going to start a thread on this. Holy Shit! I just got my NYC's the other day. This stuff fucking gets your motor running. I'm all jacked up off only 2 pills. This is legal speed!
well it shouldn't have you jacked up....that's not it's purpose.....sure it livens you up a little bit....but not like yellow jackets or ripped fuel or something like that.
Billy_Bathgate said:
I also get mine at the AF store btw. And its a tablet, not a cream for the bro that asked.

yeah i found it... i was looking at some yohimbe cream......
do yall get the jitters? i thought that was why they used norephedrine and not ephedrine, but it could also be the caffiene giving you the effect