oatmeal before bed? same as green peas/veggies


New member
Is oatmeal plain w/ splenda ok for last meal 10pm? I currently have
50 g carbs-(oatmeal) w/ 8 oz chicken bst. and 225g frozen spinach

I'm quite lean 7%bf just want to lean out a "tad" bit more. I believe if I manipulate the carb ratio w/ last meal, I would have good results. I'm not doing cardio yet, but will if this does not work.
I've heard green peas, veggies work, is oatmeal included?

I'm used to eating every 3 hrs. and ev. night I wake at 2 or 3am starving...I'm not exagerating. EQ induced I suppose
If you want to lean out a bit more, ditch the carbs before bed altogether. Eat something with protein that's fatty instead since insulin sensitivity is lowest at night (exercise not included).