oh hi

ChicOnSwole said:
No, not at all I was just curious. The picture I posted was just some random off season picture not a bbing pic. Love to see your legs tho. You are blessed with wonderful genetics if you don't work at it. Nice physique and overall shape. :)

hmlacrosse said:
lol i wish i could go out and get fuckin obliterated every weekend without thinking about how big my stomach will be the following 4 days

I drink 5-6 vodkas ed ...double that i lose money that day.

i see you got DJ in you avy...I took him to my gym when he was guest posing at a show in town ..the promotor was boning a friend of my wife's and asked me to take him to a gym..I did'nt know who the hell he was at the time I just knew he was a prop bb and figured I go see if he turned out to be an obnoxious prick or not...I thought he was really nice guy..laid back and casual.
ChicOnSwole said:
No, not at all I was just curious. The picture I posted was just some random off season picture not a bbing pic. Love to see your legs tho. You are blessed with wonderful genetics if you don't work at it. Nice physique and overall shape. :)

Where is this picture?
Nasdaq said:
I drink 5-6 vodkas ed ...double that i lose money that day.

i see you got DJ in you avy...I took him to my gym when he was guest posing at a show in town ..the promotor was boning a friend of my wife's and asked me to take him to a gym..I did'nt know who the hell he was at the time I just knew he was a prop bb and figured I go see if he turned out to be an obnoxious prick or not...I thought he was really nice guy..laid back and casual.

and absolutely fucking enormous....was he a strong dude
i think it means he doesnt make enough to feed his drinking habbit, and i can relate seeing as im a fucking lifegaurd
Nasdaq said:
thanks for all the compliments..lol

I'm 39 this Nov

right now i'm on ..
80 tren ace ed
100 test prop ed
50 Winstrol (winny) ed
50 proviron ed
100 mcg clen ed

Ive done about 5 or 6 cycles over the past 4 yrs and been working out since 19...Ive done pretty much everything except halo and dnp

my training split is just each bodypart 1 x week.. no cardio because it just eats me down..except for riding my dirtbike and sex

my diet is somewhat clean but not what anyone consider a "diet"
i eat shitty ..like 2x wk

my wife cooks and feeds me so I don't really eat outside of what she gives me ..she competes in figure so she's mostly responsible if I look good.

how long have you been running that cycle im running one very similar in a few weeks, what gains have you made and was your Bf dropped on that cycle
goku_kakarot77 said:
how long have you been running that cycle im running one very similar in a few weeks, what gains have you made and was your Bf dropped on that cycle

Ive been on 5 mths now except the first 4 mths was NPP in place of the tren ...I also just finished 6 mths of hgh at 5iu ed..I may have had a bit of primo in there somehwere too..
And yes bf dropped somewhat ..I was prolly at 8-9 ..I have'nt been over 10% bf since I was 17yrs old.
as far as I'm concerned the gear can help but it still boils down to your diet and your training.

diet 60% training 25% gear 15% hgh 10% =110%
Monstar said:
Do you have pics from your 1st cycle or before you started your first cycle?

not on digital..just picture an abercrombie homo or swimmers build..had broad shoulders and lean and fairly ripped with abs..just no mass at 6'0 175-180
I know this thread is old, but you said you drink 5-6 vodkas while taking Winstrol (winny)? My liver would kick my ass something fierce if I tried this. I ran some d-bol for a bit too long before, in a past cycle. I was in post cycle therapy (pct) for about a week drank a six pack of beers and ended up damn near dead from my liver values being so far in the red. At the hospital they thought I was gonna die. I knew why my levels were so f'd but didnt tell them. I got so sick pukin and shittin water that I passed out cold on the bathroom floor and my girl called an ambulance to come pick my ass up before I died. I sit and laugh about it now, but it wasnt fun at the time. I havent fucked with much oral use since.
Oh and looking awesome bro, I wish I could get this dedicated again. I hit the gym when I can now, 2-3 X a week. My work and personal schedule(w/ the kids) fucks me out of my gym time. By the time I get to go the gym I'm dog ass tired. I'm working on it though, hopefully going to get hings back on track soon.
JMEALS said:
lets see if i got this right...you dont do cardio..you eat shitty...and you dont diet while cutting...yet you look solid as a mofo..
I agree i hate him to.....on the positive side fella looking rock hard there !!
I don't hate you buddy. Congrats on the Genetic Club.

I'm fired up about my upcoming jump with HGH. How did you like it?