OK Oral AAS questions newbie


New member
OK was planning on running Test E but I know you have to pin with that and I have no problems whatsoever pinning by myself BUT I still live in a place where I don't want to be leaving around syringes or even people finding them etc. I live in a house with 6 other people I barely know it would just be a very awkward situation lol. SOOO what would be an easier oral THat I could take for same results? I was looking at dbol I've being hearing good things and its a very common steroid. Any guys run anything orally and gotten great results?

looking for strength gains more than anything
OK was planning on running Test E but I know you have to pin with that and I have no problems whatsoever pinning by myself BUT I still live in a place where I don't want to be leaving around syringes or even people finding them etc. I live in a house with 6 other people I barely know it would just be a very awkward situation lol. SOOO what would be an easier oral THat I could take for same results? I was looking at dbol I've being hearing good things and its a very common steroid. Any guys run anything orally and gotten great results?

looking for strength gains more than anything

Read that and all the links and you'll get most of u our answers. Then come back with a list of educated questions ok

Rule 1 NO oral only cycles. Will shut down your hpta which means no test of your own and in turn no estrogen you will have big issues.

Read up
Yes. When you read the link about planning your first cycle it will explain exactly why. Bottom line when you put exogeneous steroid in your body your natural production stops and your ody will be a hormonal wreck with no test and no estrogen.
Welcome to the site. He got one thing wrong you will still have estrogen from aromatizing testosterone at a higher level that normal and this could cause gyno AKA the development of bitch tits. The good thing is if you educate yourself you will learn what to take to block the aromatize enzyme so no gyno.

Ryan please take the time to read everything your can and ask questions. Please provide us with some history on your age training experience. (0% of the people who come here thinking they are ready for steroids are not. The truth is it's 80% diet and until your physically ready it's best to educate yourself and get your diet and training worked out.

Make some friends here it is a great place to have friends.
Lets see some stats.
Age - Height - Weight - BF% - Training Experience - Nutrition

As far as the Dbol goes.. it's an oral steroid. Oral steroids are not Testosterone. As a male, your body requires testosterone to function normally. Oral steroids shut down the system that creates testosterone. This means, for the entire time you're taking any oral steroid by itself your natural T levels drop, and eventually become nothing. A man without testosterone has many problems including but not limited to; depression, lack of motivation, fat gain, brain fog, etc. Pretty much everything you're aiming not to have while using steroids right?

Now, to counter this effect, where the steroids shut down the system and leave the body "dry" so to speak, we use Test as the base substance of all cycles. It is absolutely necessary to include testosterone in any cycle of steroids you decide to do. Stick around here, read, make friends, and have fun learning about this stuff, there's plenty of great articles written up on here.

Once we get your stats we can give direction. Thanks!
As far as the Dbol goes.. it's an oral steroid. Oral steroids are not Testosterone. As a male, your body

Now, to counter this effect, where the steroids shut down the system and leave the body "dry" so to speak

This is also incorrect. Dbol and Anadrol aromasize at a very high % and are know to make the user hold a lot of water. Dbol is known for Moon Face. It also inflates the muscles which make the new user think they are making great gain when in face the water will be lost post cycle. This has propagated the Smith that gains are lost when you come off a cycle.

Every first cycle should start with blood work so you know where your natural levels are to start with. It should also be Testosterone only with an aromatize inhibitor and proper Post cycle therapy.
NOOOO lol I'm in college my man defiantly not in a halfway house. And I got it fellas thanks for the input I need to do some more research if im going to venture into this
^^^ Spot on, research the absolute shit out of AAS before touching it. You'll be surprised at what you will learn, safe yourself a lot of trouble and headaches by spending a few solid hours or a day even just researching all sorts of threads (look at the stickied threads), and use the search engine to answer specific questions. Get yourself a notepad, better yet open up the notepad on your computer and start jotting down/copying keynotes and keywords.

Thank me later ;) This goes for anyone who is wanting to use AAS. The above paragraph will be the best piece of and the start of using AAS properly, not just to sqeuuze out the best results from it, but to use them properly and above all correctly and safely.
You need to take an aromatise inhibitor on every cycle. You run the Rick of having high blood pressure problems if your not careful

Yep! High blood pressure being the most immediate short term risk... Amongst various other short and long term risks! I try to explain to people in person, they get themselves adex for their cycle yet that many fools tell them that I'm the fool and you are not meant to start using it unless you get gyno...

Short term... They come back and ask me why their dick won't work, why they look like they are fat and puffy, why they stopped gaining 5 weeks in and how they put on a magical 4 kilos (water, shitty diet), why their acne is going nuts, hot flashes, headaches and telling me how they cried when they watched Titanic with their girl. Ofcourse, they aren't getting gyno... They admit they aren't taking an AI and I tell them take the fucking thing I told you so for the reasons you just questioned about side effects, and before you know it the sides are gone. Although Blood pressure isn't a side you will feel, which puts you at higher risk for cardiovascular complications

Long term... They may be asking their doctor about wrecked lipid profile and other cardiovascular ailments. Their are a lot of potential issues that can come from not using AAS correctly...Am obviously I am all for AAS. Are they safe? Well it depends on how you use, what you use and knowing the difference between safe or the safest possible way to use and abuse.