Old school first cycle: Test E, DBol, Deca


New member

20 years old
190 lbs
10% BF
6 years of experience


Test E - 500mg/week (1-12)
DBol - 30mg/day (1-4)
Deca - 300mg/week (1-10)


Clomid - 100/100/50/50
Nolva - 40/40/20/20

Please let me know what you think about anything...dosages, cycle length, PCT, etc. Definitely want to put on some good size and mass, and I think this old school bulking cycle should do just that.
at 20 years old you don't even need AAS as you haven't hit your genetic potential. Hold off for a few years and experiment with your diet and training styles first mate
I plan on competing in NPC bodybuilding very soon, so it's kind of a must anyway. Is this cycle looking good?
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If you decide you are going to do a cycle no matter what at least Drop the Dbol and the Deca,you will see great results from just the Test E. Plus if you have any bad side effects you wont know what compound is causing it.

Then add one compound each cycle so next cycle add the dbol and see how it goes and then on your next one maybe add the deca. Work your way up man. Also GET BLOODWORK before you start your cycle so you will know your natural hormone levels and then get mid and post cycle bloodwork as well to keep an eye on everything and be safe.
youre 20 years old.. your hpta has not fully developed.. do you plan on being on trt for life?? can you make that commitment??