Older dude on first cycle.


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Height: 5 ft 11in
Age: 45
Weight: 200 lbs.
BF: 18%?? Spare tire that wont go away
Working out almost daily for 5 yrs. except for about 6 month period due to injury. Have reached plateau probably due to age so Im hopeing some gear will help.
I started my first cycle 2 weeks ago of 500 Test E a week. I have Clomid, Nolvadex, Letro already and aromasin on the way. (Finally decided to get it (aromasin) after much confussion, Ill read one thread say take it then one that says not necessary)
Anyway my goal is to gain some mass but more to lose BF. The more I read not sure if I will lose much body fat on this cycle. Anyone have any advice or thoughts.
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You could throw some anavar in at the end of your cycle to help lean out a bit, are your goals to cut this cycle?
Well... I was wanting to bulk but I was hoping to lose some body fat as well. I dont mean get cut but maybe lose some of my spare tire. I guess it doesnt work that way. Picture is actually about 4 months old. Im 10 pounds lighter now but the bulking diet is packing it on fast and Im starting to think I need to back off a little on calories. This is my first cycle so Im not sure what to expect.
it's all in your diet and cardio. if you eat clean and lift hard you'll lean out. throw some cardio in first thing in the morning and you'll be golden. just stay away from really salty foods...
the aromasin is a good idea. that's what i use too. it will lessen bloat too.
good luck man!
Also remember that when you say packing it on I assume you mean weight. It could possibly mean some water. Two weeks in on long esters is a bit to early to show substantial muscle growth. If you already have a higher bf% it's prob some water weight or bloat.
Thanks Guys. I feel bloated and kinda crappy so thats probably what it is. I received my aromasin today and I was going to start at 12.5 mg eod. What do you think?
test will help you to burn fat, but minimally if you don't don't diet right and throw in some cardio. I'd avoid using the letro, use adex during cycle, and use the exemestane during post cycle therapy (pct) with either Torem (perfonal fav) or Nolva.
At 45 you should also be concerned with blood pressure problems.... It probably wouldn't hurt to automatically take .5mg of Arimidex twice a week if you have BP problems (Should also help with bloating). Also, everyone's goal is to gain mass and lose bodyfat...LOL..I have been trying for years!!!! They are damn near impossible to do together....Concentrate now on packing on some good quality muscle over the winter months and then burning it off come summer time to show them muscles off.