I'm still new to the site ( read it long time before i text for the first time ) but, here goes. I'm 61, been lifting for years off and on, last 2 years regularly. Getting ready to start my 3rd cycle in that two years. I'm on 200 mg test c a week ( Dr prescribed ) to start. I'm 200 lbs, around 17% by, good health other than some low grade bp. My first cycle was test e, 500mg/w. Second was 750 test, (200mg test c, 500mg test e ), and 100 tren e ( not sure bout tren, but only because of my age ). Had good results so far, but would really like to make a change this winter, having 1st family reunion in years and want to be as swole as possible!!! Would really like some suggestions for a 3rd cycle. Would really like to try and continue to bulk. Cycle length will be 14 - 16 weeks
Thanks for the supportive couple of responses. At 61, my skin is thick, a misinformed post won't bother me. But the question is real. I am going to start a new cycle in January, don't want to run more than 2 compounds. Think I'm going to throw mk677 in the mix at 30mg every night also, i've used it several times before. Test is definitely 1 compound, but not sure what mg, guess it depends on what i choose. Any idea on what to run with it?
OK NOW we can get down to your Q's Brians
SO listen I myself know nothing about your mk677. But first let me speak to your idea of only using two (2) compounds. I usually tell people they don't need more then two compounds for most cycles but in your case maybe 3 compounds but i would hold it there.
SO you have an event and i will treat your cycle sort of like getting show ready because you have a deadline to be at your best for the reunion.
You are at 17% BF and normally we would tell you to wait til your BF gets down to 15% or less. In your case I would fell good to help you go ahead w/your cycle plans.
You want to bulk a bit and cut at the same time. That's usually, again not a good plan. Hard to do both. Listen just getting BF% down will bring out muscle tone. You can see with that, only, you muscles themselves will look better. sometimes we have to make the decision between quality looking muscle size and tone and pure size. It's different with cloths on or say a bathing trunks. SO what are you wanting because as you know you can fill up with some muscle but a lot of water and look , when dressed, huge. I didn't get your height so i haven't an idea of how you look.
First on the Tren idea IMOP at your age it might be a deterrent. The sides are tough enough for the younger man. and since you are at 17% you may have night sweats more then you might want. Remember Tren can play havoc with your energy, you diet a little and then less energy.
You might deal with loss of sleep and on and on. At your age the synergism is slower to build new and mores mass as to add size. I know this... actual muscle bulking up the LMM comes very slow. ... No Tren for you IMOP. It also can screw with your breathing and making any aerobics to help loose weight will be hard on you.
I advise this cycle to be 16 wks due to you wanting to go from bulking ... and getting lean. Let me say that depending on time you won't be able to actually build or grow much mass so where you are , being toned this is it.
Getting down to it, Test is test so you might want to use a 2-4 wk Test prop with the beginning of your test "E" The weekly test dose throughout the cycle to be low dose. This will allow the synergism of building and keeping toned or TIGHT and full.
You then can throw in some EQ for the sustaining of your muscle m as you start to diet mildly . The last for weeks plug in some Var. Read up on Var and I think that would e your best , other compound for finishing
Var doesn't aromatize as EQ is low also. Your test is the worst here. SO you will still need some Adex but not at high doses. Save enough money for your BW, you need to pay close atention to your E2 to help keep ANY water down.
I hope this sheds some light for you. I'm sure the others will chime in and may differ from my opinion.
Good Luck ,
OMM .... ................another long one
PS: you might want to get with
"3j" and maybe he can help you with a diet for you.