Ology Liquidex

For measuring it I would use a syringe. It is much more accurate.

As for "how to use it", BE MORE SPECIFIC. What compounds are you using? What are you using the arimidex for? Gyno? Water retention? Something else? Have you ever used it before? Ever used any aromatase inhibitors before? How long have you been on cycle?
I just ordered some, I saw in another post that 10 pumps equals 1 ml,witch would be 1mg. research-ology doesent give as much info on there prouducts as would like,like there serms nova an clomid the liquid inside the plastic bottels looks like milk,and theres a picture of a syringe in front of the bottels, I would hope they are oral syringes,an not pins
Aboot said:
For measuring it I would use a syringe. It is much more accurate.

As for "how to use it", BE MORE SPECIFIC. What compounds are you using? What are you using the arimidex for? Gyno? Water retention? Something else? Have you ever used it before? Ever used any aromatase inhibitors before? How long have you been on cycle?

Cycle is test prop and dbol for 6 weeks, I am using liquidex for bloat/water retention, I have nolvadex on hand for gyno. I have not used an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) before and I have been on the cycle for about 2 weeks. I am just curious as to how many pumps and how often.
Quality stuff BTW....just got everything I nead AHEAD of time!!!!!!Last time i was late but still only had a 3 day wait.
