olympic bar


New member
What is the best olympic bar and where can I get it? I have a home set up and my current bar is one of those $99.99 CAP specials. I hate it!
Just make sure that your plates fit just right on the bar, or the plates will roll and move too much. Some bars are thicker, some are thinner for the grip as well. Get one you like.
The one I have right now seems to bend alittle with over 300lbs loaded. Im wondering if this is holding me back from my bench press?
Super strength bars weigh more than the normal bars. While having a solid bar is important, my benches are so slow that I would not say its a factor really. Most bars have a 500 pound rating.

I have ordered from these guys before, although I do NOT prefer training at home:


Oh by the way, the only time I've seen an Olympic bar bend with 300 pounds is when it was on a standard bench which are LAME, get an Olympic sized bench if that is your situation.