Omega's :flax, fish oil


New member
I hear everyone saying flax, fish oil , omegas, I was picking up a scrip yesterday, and saw an Omega milti-pill. Would that be as effective. I'm pretty new to all of this. Thanks Any info appreciated.
You want Omega-3's - specifically EPA, DHA. The pills you saw are probably fine - flax seed and fish oil are both sources of these nutrients, though I prefer to get mine from the fish. Also, most importantly, compare the labels on any products you consider buying, and make sure no bad fillers are used (I've seen some supplements with hydrogenated oil, mineral oil, and other unnecessary and unhealthful stuff in 'em), and that you're getting the most active ingredient for the price (if that matters to you like it does to me). I personally take 4 Kirkland (Costco) fish oil capsules evry morning, and I eat a can of Brunswick sardines every afternoon, I figure that's enough to do the trick.
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Professor_Pump said:
You want Omega-3's - specifically EPA, DHA.
Exactly. And where do you get these? For these, you need fish oils. A good portion of flax oil is a type of Omega-3 called ALA. ALA can be converted to EPA and DHA, but I won't get into that. The superior choice is fish oils.
I use kirkland fisj as well, about 9-12 caps a day giving me roughly 3 to 4g of EPA and DHA daily. Flax seed oil, as mentioned, does provid epa and dha but it is not as bioavialable as it is in FISH. With flax, the omegas must be first broek down to epa and dha. With fish, its readily present. I find fish to best, also mentioned, for these reasons.

Costco kirkland brand sales for 6.99 a bottle of 300soft gels. Sans also sales a high concentrated form of fish oil, but i dont know the price. over 580mg epa and 4 something dha per cap. 2 of those 3 times a dat would be great.

I would go with the kirk brand though, cheap and worth the price...
I don´t believe in taking to much supplements, salmon is rich in Omega 3. Eat that once a week and your good.
beaf said:
I don´t believe in taking to much supplements, salmon is rich in Omega 3. Eat that once a week and your good.
Not true, most of the fish we buy are fish from a farm, which dont produce enough of the fatty goodness deep water fish do.
DirkMoneyshot said:
I disagree that the Farmed raise is not a good sources - The USDA databases show that Farm Raised contains MORE omega 3 then thier Wild counterpart.

I'd go back and check your facts

Here is a link -
lol, look who published that article ... "The Washington Fish Growers Association" ... That should tell you something. That's like asking the dair industry to show proof milk cures cancer ... I'm sure they'll come up with something.

Maybe you should go back and check your facts...
Here i'll do it for you - Atlantic Salmon

Farm Raise / 100 grams (Saturated = 2.183 : Mono = 3.868 : Poly = 3.931)

Wild / 100 grams (Saturated = .981 : Mono = 2.103 : Poly = 2.539)

Now if you want me to give you the exact Omega 3 i will or you can save all of us the time and apologize for being dumb.

Here i'll also give you a reason for the higher omega 3 - THE FOOD THEIR FEED.

Same goes with Chicken eggs - Depending on which ones you buy, Farm Raised = Better eggs
Only fortuantely adam this is the reason i'm going to stop posting on these forums - I can't stand the the individuals anymore.

now i'm not going to say Farm is better then wild when it comes to salmon, personally i try and get all my foods fresh and from places i know are doing their best to protect the quality of its product.

I mean you could argue that farm raised contains more toxins

Or you could try and justify the cost of farm raised compared to WIld is worth the possible risk.

But DON'T try and out smart me when it comes to food knowledge or anything remotely related to nutrition.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Dumb ass - go and check the USDA website for all i care!!! i posted that for a point of refrence.

Theres the fucking website you ignorant kid - Don't try and act intelligent, when its so easy to make you look stupid
Whoa!! Your lame. Calm down son ... after all you spouted off first. Now listen...

I was simply saying you got your referance from a publisher who happens to belong to the association by which they sale, grow, and market farmed fish. I dont care where you found it, on which web site, who owns it/published it?? That significantly reduces its creditablility IMO. The dairy councel does this quite often with their shananigains of milk this milk that "buy milk" campaigns. You should know that since your so smart. One can only assume then that this is another ploy to sale farmed fish, just as the dairy industry does. And that is my piont, nothing more nothing less. So calm yourself before you hurt someones feelings here. We're all civil adults and you, myfriend, are acting like a child. We must all remember that this IS only the internet.

Hopefully we're back on the right track now. I apologies for your misunderstanding. Take care .... one love.
Omega 3s, 6s, 9s

Remember with the Omegas/ Oils is you get what you pay for. Ive been taking flaxseed/ Omega blends in gel cap form for years (all different brands) You need a good source. I have been building for over 12 years and recently have started taking Udos Choice Oil blend. Here is a link below. Also as a side note. I suffered from psoriasis for years and this product over a months time has almost completely cleared it up. Great product.. Try it out guys.
jba5150 said:
Remember with the Omegas/ Oils is you get what you pay for. Ive been taking flaxseed/ Omega blends in gel cap form for years (all different brands) You need a good source. I have been building for over 12 years and recently have started taking Udos Choice Oil blend. Here is a link below. Also as a side note. I suffered from psoriasis for years and this product over a months time has almost completely cleared it up. Great product.. Try it out guys.

i use the same. LOVE the taste too!