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Austinite's Top 3 - Essential On-Cycle Supplementations and Descriptions of others...
You stroll into the supplement section, probably visited a couple of my threads and think... this is crazy! I can't supplement with all that! Well, I understand. What I want you to understand is that you do not have to supplement with anything. The truth is, a decent and diverse diet can maintain a healthy body. So there's really no need to supplement heavily with anything. Of course, those with deficiencies will benefit. And some folks who have insane jobs that don't allow for proper nutrition would benefit as well.
That being said, there are 3 stages of state. Malnutrition, healthy and optimum. Malnutrition is obviously a poor diet. You're just not getting enough of the essentials and that will become problematic. Supplementation should NEVER be considered in cases of self-induced malnutrition. It's your responsibility to eat right. That's your first line of defense.
Healthy state is one with a good nutritional plan. If you're happy with that, great. No need to change anything. Finally, there's optimal. This is where supplementation comes into play. Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is merely enough to maintain a healthy state. These are also based on 2,000 calorie diets. They're likely to have your serum levels in range, lower range, but still in range. This range is considered healthy, or 'acceptable'. Most vitamins, minerals, herbs and amino acids are ok when these ranges are exceeded. In fact, you'd amplify the benefits. That stage would be considered optimum.
But today we're going to focus on optimizing essentials based on age groups and I'll add a recommendation for testosterone therapy patients. This is NOT about muscle and steroid cycles. This is about overall health and wellbeing. As much as I'd love to see you all supplementing heavily, I'm going to do my best to keep the list shorter than 5 each. It's not going to be easy! Let's get started...
Under 30 Years old:
N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
Purpose: Liver health, lung health, stomach health, kidney health, lower cholesterol and more. A powerful antioxidant.
Dosage: 600 mg daily.
Recommended: NAC 600 mg - 100 Veg Capsules - NOW Foods
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Purpose: Heart health, increased blood flow, immune system boost, lowers blood pressure, increased sperm count, sugar stabilization.
Dosage: 200 mg daily.
Recommended: CoQ10 200 mg - 60 Vcaps® - NOW Foods
Fish Oil with Vitamin E (Find it w/vitamin e combined)
Purpose: Brain health, vision health, lower triglycerides, anti inflammatory, better metabolic rate, increased nutrient delivery, enhanced immune system.
Dosage: 2500 mg oil. 800 mg EPA. 600 mg DHA. 20 IU Vitamin E Tocopherol.
Recommended: Carlson Labs - Elite Omega-3 Gems
Over 30 Years old:
N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
Purpose: Liver health, lung health, stomach health, kidney health, lower cholesterol and more. A powerful antioxidant.
Dosage: 600 mg daily.
Recommended: NAC 600 mg - 100 Veg Capsules - NOW Foods
Ubiquinol (UBQH <~ Only this)
Purpose: Heart health, increased blood flow, immune system boost, lowers blood pressure, increased sperm count, sugar stabilization, prostate health.
Dosage: 200 mg daily.
Recommended: UBQH 100mg | Ubiquinol | Integrative Therapeutics (This brand only)
Vitamin D
Purpose: Bone builder, essential for nervous system stability, enhances absorption of calcium and regulates mineral metabolism. D is in every cell in your body.
Dosage: 2,000 to 5,000 IU daily. (Obviously I'd rather see you take 5k, but 2k is the absolute minimum)
Recommended: Vitamin D-3 5,000 IU - 120 Softgels - NOW Foods
Fish Oil with Vitamin E (Find it w/vitamin e combined)
Purpose: Brain health, vision health, lower triglycerides, anti inflammatory, better metabolic rate, increased nutrient delivery, enhanced immune system.
Dosage: 2500 mg oil. 800 mg EPA. 600 mg DHA. 20 IU Vitamin E Tocopherol.
Recommended: Carlson Labs - Elite Omega-3 Gems
Testosterone Therapy patients should also consider both: DHEA and Pregnenolone.
There you have it. These are the basics and again, this is not about bodybuilding or steroid cycles. It's just about your general health and wellbeing. So if you're a minimalist, unlike myself with supplements, do your body a favor and supplement with the above.
More of Austinite's Supplements and Favorites
AMINO ACIDS (essential):
You've heard it before. Amino Acids are the "Building Block" of protein. There are 2 types of amino acids. Essential, and nonessential. Essential means that we need to include these in our diets because they can't be produced via metabolism. Nonessential refers to amino acids that can be produced from your diet. I supplement both and we'll discuss only the ones I use/prefer below since those are the ones I've experienced.
This is the one that you've probably heard of most. It's the amino acid found in tons of pre-workouts and widely marketed. L-Arginine is most certainly one of my favorites. This amino acid is one of your immune systems best friends, as it regulates the activity of your Thymus gland (which makes T cells that are used by your immune system).
Arginine will also increase your blood vessel circumference and therefore influencing muscle synthesis. Even at non-ideal body fat, you may notice increased vascularity in your leaner body parts. How about an increase in resting growth hormone?
While Lysine can be found in common foods such as eggs, cheese, fish, milk, red meat and potatoes, it's important for us to supplement because of our strict diets and lifestyles. Without enough Lysine, you could experience issues like concentration problems, irritability, lack of energy, poor appetite and a host of other concerns. Lysine will aid in muscle tissue development and can even help speed up recovery from minor injury. Lysine is a must pre workout for me. It's quite underrated and far more effective than some other widely marketed Amino's. Remember, marketing companies milk the heck out of anything that creates a "Buzz" for many years, and once people become accustomed to the name, they keep pushing it because it's all people recognize.
Detoxify! Methionine will rid your body of heavy metals and increases muscle strength. Sounds great, right? But wait! There's more! If you buy in the next ten minutes I'll throw in a fat break-down compound! That's right, Methionine will help break down fat, crucial for build up that might hinder flow to your brain, heart and kidneys. For those of you who fear L-Carnitine due to a recent article linking it to heart disease by conversion to TMAO, this might be a good alternative.
This one is required in order to produce vitamin B3. In a bad mood? This one is for you. You've heard of serotonin, right? That's what you'll get from supplementing Tryptophan as it produces serotonin. This is great for the betterment of your mood and even sleep. So, depression... Check! Insomnia... Check!
A few more benefits that are noteworthy: Tryptophan promotes the release of growth hormone, helps with headaches and your heart will love you for it.
Warning: I've experienced extremely vivid nightmares when consuming high doses of Tryptophan prior to bed-time. Reducing the dose before bed aided in sleep and virtually eliminated nightmares.
AMINO ACIDS (nonessential):
Step aside, Arginine, I think I may have found a new best friend!
Citrulline actually converts to Arginine, but it's absorbed better in high doses, where Arginine is not. This does make it superior to Arginine, but certainly not a replacement for it. They actually work well together. While shopping for your favorite amino acids, you will notice many manufacturers that produce a mix of Arginine and Citrulline.
This compound promotes energy. Who wouldn't want to supplement with it?? I'm guessing only those not aware of it! Furthermore, ammonia damages your cells, and Citrulline is your detox. Lastly, if you're looking for a great pump at the gym, this is a must in your pre-workout.
Here's an increasingly popular Amino Acid. Carnitine has been pitched as a fat burner by many supplement manufacturers. There's a good reason for that.
The main reason this amino acid exists is to transport fatty acids through our system. These fatty acids are then burned for energy. Now, in order for Carnitine to do everything that it does, it needs to be powered by something. Some sort of fuel if you will. Well, Carnitine chooses fat as its energy source. This is why doses beyond RDA (required daily allowance) are very effective in a fat-loss diet. It's working, even when you're not working out. Please don't mistake this for being able to shed fat while sitting on the couch for days on end!
Carnitine has been proven in legitimate studies to reduce the risk of heart disease. Mainly from conditions such as weak/improper fat metabolism, commonly found in diabetics and anyone with cardiovascular disorders.
Our bodies produce Carnitine, but it can only be produced if the you have enough of ALL of the following: B1, iron, Lysine and Methionine.
The fat burning capability of Carnitine is not picky, it burns whatever fat is available. This differentiates itself from Methionine (in the fat burning department) because Methionine targets areas. For example, within organs, such as the liver and other potentially problematic areas.
L-Carnitine can be found or made in injectable form. This would be the most effective, but it's not necessary. "NOW" products lineup includes L-Carnitine in liquid form, which is highly absorbable and comes in 1000mg per dose, or 3000mg per dose. This is the one I use.
When researching, you'll probably come across both Cystine and Cysteine. Notice the spelling. These 2 are pretty much identical, so either one will do.
Cysteine, when taken with Vitamin E becomes strong in the destruction of free radicals. Good for your skin, liver and brain, too. Speaking of stacking vitamins, B6 would be an ideal stack as well if you're experiencing minor illness.
I initially started using Cysteine when I developed symptoms of arthritis as it's known to be used to treat it. It's also used to treat the hardening of arteries. Amazing so far, huh? You can add to that list the breakdown of mucus, so if you experience any respiratory issues, consider Cysteine daily.
For muscle, it's crucial during recovery. There isn't a time of day that you wouldn't benefit from cysteine. Take it 3 times daily. Your body will love you for it.
Warning: Diabetics should not be using L-Cysteine as it may render inactive insulin.
Hey! Have no fear! L-theanine is here! Feeling anxious, nervous or a bit lethargic maybe? This one is for you. This non-protein amino acid can relax you, relieve some stress, increase your alertness and improve your memory. While I don't really experience anxiety, I started taking this amino acid to relieve stress and see the effects on alertness for me.
This is found in tea. And studies have shown that regular tea drinkers have a higher sense of alertness and are more relaxed than non-tea drinkers. One of several reasons you've heard me recommend tea in the nutrition forums. My experience with L-Theanine has been great.
I'm not going to say that this increased alertness drastically. It did however make a difference. My main concern was relaxation and it certainly works in that department. I use both an oral and transdermal. High doses are thought to bring on headaches, however this was not my experience. As a matter of fact I wasn't able to acheive notable success without high doses. No ill effects whatsoever from an average of 100mg for every hour I'm awake. I recommend you spread this out as much as possible. This is the only amino acid I carry with me at all times. It's in my house, in my car and at the office.
I've seen it. Read a little about it, but mostly ignored it in the past. I finally decided to dive into heavy research on this one very recently. Although a nonessential amino acid, it most certainly became essential for me. (ha, funny me).
Like Theanine, Tyrosine also has mood-regulating properties. Depression can be associated with it's deficiency. This is not one you want to use while bulking, as it can suppress your appetite. If your mood is noticeably enhanced with Tyrosine and you do not want to come off of it, be sure to couple it with a high dose of B12 while bulking. The appetite suppression is not dramatic, but it can aid for those who are below TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and are most likely hungry!
Melanin!! Tyrosine will promote melanin production. Benefits? Proper function of your thyroid gland. Adrenal and pituitary glands, too. So those with hyperthyroidism will certainly benefit. So supplement and eat more avocados and bananas!
Warning: Do not supplement if you are on anti-depressants.
Vitamin B12:
This is my favorite additions, on or off cycle, so I'll go into more detail here than the others. There are several methods of delivering B12 to the bloodstream. I'll list them in the order of effectiveness.
1. Intravenously.
2. Intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
3. Sublingual.
4. Oral.
I only recommend intravenous injection if you're an expert. Otherwise; for the average user I recommend either IM or SubQ injections. Sublingual can be effective in high doses and orals are simply weak.
Theres tons of argument about the effectiveness of oral B12 and there are tons of studies that prove this. However, there is not one single study (I've read most studies on PubMed) that would indicate optimum levels. Orals will work to bring a deficient patient into range. Remember the range for most diagnostics agencies is 200 to 1000. So it's easy to get from 180 (deficient) to 200+.
There are several types of B12 that you can use. I'll list them in the most effective order:
1. Methylcobalamin
2. Adenosylcobalamin
3. Hydroxocobalamin
4. Cyanocobalamin
Methylcobalamin is more bioactive than any other and obviously does not require conversion by the body to methyl; the form that's most beneficial to support red cells and your nervous system. This one is necessary to break down homocysteine (breakdown of non-protein amino acids).
Adenosylcobalamin, the second on the list is really just as effective as Methyl. This is because it's also a form that is useful, as other forms of B12 would have to convert to either Adenosyl or Methyl. This one is a key player in metabolic pathways.
Hydroxocobalamin must be converted by your body into methyl in order to be functional as stated above. The conversion process is certainly better than Cyanocobalamin, which is why it's third on the list. Hydroxo typically comes with other B vitamins. Which is important because B6, for example is required for the betterment of B12.
Cyanocobalamin is the one you find in just about every supplement. One of the reasons for that is because it's cheap to produce; making supplements cost effective, but unfortunately, not result effective. It's named Cyano because it's attached to the cyanide molecule. After the conversion process, very little methyl results. Intramuscular is a MUST with Cyano. Orals are not worth it.
If using a sublingual form, you should use no other than Methylcobalamin. Methyl, regardless of the delivery method is superior and most natural to all types. Sublingual doses should be administered at 35 times the dose of an injectable. That was not a typographical error. 35 times the injectable dose, however, dosing frequency would vary. I'll explain in a minute so that I don't end up gallivanting.
Now that we understand the types of B12 and administration methods, let's move onto how B12 actually works and what it does to your body once you introduce it exogenously to your body:
I'll try my best to keep this short. B12 in any form is converted to methyl or adenosyl, where the benefit begins. After conversion they breakdown important amino acids. Once in intestinal absorptive cells, It attaches to specific receptors. This process (depending on administration method) takes about 3 hours. At that stage B12 is circulating in your system and actively binding plasma proteins.
Every member here has probably heard of bodybuilders using B12 as part of their cycle protocols. Even off cycle, it's still being used. Now, you've probably heard that 1000mcg of oral B12 does not equal 1000mcg injected. This is true. And as mentioned earlier in this article, a sublingual dose of Methyl B12 should be 35 times higher. For example, if you dose B12 Methyl with a 1000mcg injection weekly, you would need 35,000 mcg of a sublingual equivalent. But sublingual methods require daily administration. So you would take 5,000mcg daily. While the sublingual yields great results for me, it certainly did not reach satisfactory (to me) serum levels. But still FAR superior to any other sublingual and frankly, even injectable Cyanocobalamin.
Quest Diagnostics range is 200 - 1100 pg/mL. I like to see my levels over 3000 pg/mL.
Here are some more benefits of B12:
1. Increased Energy.
2. Regenerates Red Blood Cells.
3. Healthy Bone Marrow.
4. Healthy Nervous System.
5. Helps Prevent Anemia.
6. Proper cell function.
7. Necessary for macronutrient metabolism (carbs, fats, proteins).
8. Enhances alertness and memory.
Sold yet? Supplement with B12. Always.
Vitamin C:
Most reviews and articles will tell you that 500mg is plenty. I'm telling you that 2 to 3 grams daily is better.
Like B12, vitamin C is also used by our bodies to form red blood cells. It's a good preventative measure for blood clots and protects us from free radicals that could cause serious damage (most important, brain and spinal cord). It helps recovery when your body is under stress, which is why it's important to use post-workout. This is great when stacked with L-Cysteine for an ideal post-workout. Vitamin C also aids in forming adrenaline.
Take it in the morning, at lunch, pre workout, post workout... take it all day. There's more to Vitamin C, but if the above doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.
Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is commonly supplemented as D3. Or D2, the common super-high iu prescription Drisdol.
Put your multi-vitamins aside, they're never enough. D3 should be supplemented at a minimum of 2000iu daily. Most doctors do not understand the importance of Vitamin D. While I was in range (the lower range), I was told that I do not need to supplement. I said I wanted to be in the upper range, or at least half way there, and was told I was being silly. No one needs that. My current endo, who I wouldn't trade for the world today, thinks otherwise. She understands that D is a bone builder, essential for nervous system stability, enhances the absorption of calcium and regulates mineral metabolism.
To quote a great friend of mine, Kelkel:
As mentioned before, some bodies utilize it more efficiently than others. My body seems to be extremely weak in that department. My recent bloodwork, while using Drisdol, resulted in incredibly weak results. I've increased my dose from 5,000iu daily, to 10,000iu daily and 2 days a week, I use drisdol at 50,000 iu's. Always with food. I'm excited to see my next panel results.
Vitamin E:
I call this the "Cover Me" vitamin. You know, in a shoot-out, your buddy "covers" you so that you can get across the field without getting shot? This is what Vitamin E does. I'll explain...
First thing, when purchasing Vitamin E, you should purchase Vitamin E Tocopherol (Gamma, Delta, Beta, Alpha).
All of us fitness and nutrition freaks are supplementing with fish oils. We need those Omega's! Well I've got news for you. You're not getting much out of those omegas if you're not taking them with Vitamin E. It protects the EFA's (essential fatty acids), and now... you're really benefiting. Also, L-Cysteine becomes L-Cysteine-on-steroids in the fight against free radicals when coupled with E.
More Benefits of Vitamin E:
1. Increases Fertility (male & female).
2. Can assist in restoration of male potency.
3. Protects Red Blood Cells.
4. Aids with Endurance by Supplying Oxygen.
5. Protects lungs from pollution.
MINERALS (Copper, Magnesium, Zinc):
Here's a considerably underrated mineral. Copper is very important to my supplementation regimen. Well, it is now at least. I've started using copper about a month ago and for good reason. This mineral goes hand in hand with Zinc and Vitamin C. Your copper levels drop when Zinc and Vitamin C are utilized by the body. This is where copper comes in handy. Why is it important to keep your copper levels at their optimal levels? Let's take a look at some benefits:
1. Provides Energy.
2. Enhances Sense of Taste.
3. Enhances skin color.
4. Promotes Bone Formation.
5. Creates Red Blood Cells.
6. Essential for Collagen Formation.
Also, Hyperlipidemia, or "high blood fat" could be the result of copper deficiency. I run this mineral at 2 mg daily. Always with Zinc.
I introduced magnesium to my daily intake several years ago and I'm very happy I did.
PH (Potential Hydrogen) Balance. pH is a measure of how much acid is in the fluids in your body. This balance gives an indication of your general health. Without good balance, quality of life suffers. Longevity clinics can tell you that poor pH could shorten a life-span. Magnesium enhances your pH balance. That is a good enough reason for me, but there's more...
1. Lowers the Chance of Kidney Stones. (ouch!)
2. Can Aid in Lowering Cholesterol.
3. Sleep Aid.
4. Muscle Relaxer.
Good couple: Magnesium & B6.
As mentioned above, Zinc goes well with Copper. You can find a Zinc/Copper mix for easier intake.
There's a reason why you'll find Zinc in OTC flu fighting medicines. It's effective! Quite powerful, actually. Between Zinc and Cialis, prostate gland function will be at it's optimum. Like Copper, it's essential for collagen formation and protein synthesis. A great antioxidant, too.
Here's a bonus for you acne prone folks... Zinc can regulate oil glands. Hence the use in acne treatments.
Lastly, you have to be careful with your dosing. It's not uncommon to take a dose of 100mg daily. However, going over 100 daily could reduce the function of the immune system. I recommend a daily dose of 50mg.
HERBS (Tea, Maca):
Green Tea:
Green Tea, or Diet green tea has been in my diet for ages. If I were to list the benefits, I could write a book. So let's keep it simple and look at reasons why I use it:
1. Lowers Total Cholesterol.
2. Increases HDL (good cholesterol)
3. Reduces LDL (bad cholesterol)
4. Enhances fat loss ability by boosting metabolism.
Good couple for fat loss: Green Tea & Caffeine.
I've been using Maca at 2400mg daily for 9 months now. 3 daily doses of 800mg each. Maca root is packed with vitamins, minerals and amino acids. There's your "Multi"! My endo recommended this for better hormone balance. Maca likes to go for the big guns. It stimulates the main glands, or "Master Glands" that regulate all the other glands. Because it enhances the Master Gland function, this results in a good balance in glands like the thyroid, adrenal, and testicular glands.
I recommend a minimum of 1600mg daily. Any testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patient should most certainly be supplementing with Maca.
Below you will find some information on supplements that members requested in this thread. I will try to update this section as often as possible as requests come in.
Glutamine is one of many amino acids. This is referred to as the "Brain Fuel". While in the brain, it's converted to Glutamic Acid. This conversion triggers your "intellect". Remember above, when I spoke of pH balance? AKA the level of acidity in fluids of your body? Well here is where Glutamine comes in, as it betters your chances of decent levels of acid and alkaline. You can have this tested at home for as little as $3. Just buy a pH balance kit. It's basically stripped that change color when a stream of urine passes over them. The kits come with a color chart indicating your pH levels. If you're not in a good range, Glutamine will be a great addition.
Another benefit to Glutamine is that it also acts as an "anti-toxin" by converting ammonia to a non-toxic substance. Ammonia can develop when other amino acids break down and release nitrogen. That's why it's important to include it with other amino's. Kind of like Fish oil and vitamin E, they go hand in hand.
Because it's abundant in muscles, it helps to build and retain your lean mass. This is detrimental if you're on a cut. While it can be found in many foods, it's actually destroyed when food is cooked. So ignore glutamine value in cooked foods. This is another reason my diet is heavy with raw spinach. I eat spinach salad(s) daily, which is a good source for Glutamine.
What Glutamine been used for successfully in treatments and as a preventative measure:
1. Autoimmune Disease
2. Potential Muscle Atrophy
3. Arthritis
4. Fibrosis
5. Epilepsy
6. Fatigue
7. Schizophrenia
8. Intestinal Disorders
WARNING: Do not supplement with Glutamine if you have:
~ Cirrhosis of the liver
~ Reye's Syndrome
~ Any issues with your Kidneys
~ High Blood Ammonia (The toxic cleansing properties of Glutamine on Ammonia are in the brain)
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10):
CoQ10 is an antioxidant that acts quite similarly to Vitamin E. It does just as good of a job producing energy. CoQ10 is beneficial in many areas, from depression to preventing heart attacks. One of the main reasons that I use it myself (some of you have seen my blood work) is that it can reduce the damage done by your LDL levels (bad cholesterol). Oxidation and blood vessels = no good.
Furthermore; an excellent stimulant for your immune system. Other areas of improvement include cardiovascular, aging and gum disease. While some articles will state that CoQ10 can lower blood pressure, I certainly would not count on it in that sense.
Dosing will vary per individual. I stay with a low dose, but 100mg daily is just fine.
Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium):
HGW is an aphrodisiac. Certainly not a replacement for Cialis or other erectile functionality drugs. Some studies have shown increase in testosterone levels when supplementing with HGW. However, there are other areas of benefits to HGW aside from a boost in libido. Let's have a look:
Involuntary urine leakage (incontinence): Some Chinese studies show that HGW improved growth in the sphincter muscles, which gets control over incontinence. Also shown to help with diarrhea.
Blood Pressure: HGW can lower your blood pressure. Not significantly, but certainly does help those with higher BP.
HGW is also commonly used for infertility, lethargy, back pain, arthritis and to stimulate the production of male sex hormones. Also can tonify the liver.
I don't know about you, but I certainly love the vascular look. The more the better! Some may not like it, but I think most of us regular gym goers crave the look. It's not just a look, it's motivating. Especially at the gym when you get that nice pump and your veins start popping out from everywhere. There are tons of positive things that happen in our bodies that lead to this. As a lifter and/or body builder, it's crucial to achieve the steps that lead to vascularity.
Before we move forward with explanations and supplementation I need to make sure to get the main key out of the way. Diet. you've heard it a million times... "Abs are made in the kitchen", well that goes for vascularity as well What you consume and how much of it will eventually determine your body fat percentage. A lower body fat percentage will yield a higher level of vascularity I'm not saying you have to be "stage ready" at 4 to 6% body fat. But certainly not easily attainable when we're over 15%. Now again, that number is not set in stone. Everyone is different and genetics play a strong role here.
Nitric Oxide levels have a massive effect on our bodies with tons of benefits. But today we will discuss the ones that are related to this topic:
Blood Flow/Circulation:
Increasing your blood flow is the first key. Boosting your nitric oxide levels will achieve this by relaxing the blood vessels, leading to an increase in diameter. Blood flows better in bigger/wider veins.
Muscle Cell Endurance:
Endurance is not only related to your cardio abilities. Your muscles' endurance can be targeted by boosting your nitric oxide levels. This will allow you to lift heavy. But also helps with efficient recovery from strenuous lifting, inevitably leading to growth.
Muscle Mass:
This goes hand in hand with the 1st one mentioned, blood flow. Imagine your body is a plant that needs watering. If you water this plant with a tiny hose that has the diameter of a drinking straw, it will take forever to feed it. It's just not effective. But if you water the plant with a large diameter hose, you'll feed it quickly and efficiently. Same goes for your muscles. The larger the vessels that lead to your muscles, the more nutrients they will get. It's that simple. Open the flood gates.
What can I supplement with to increase vascularity?
Ok, so some of you probably jumped straight to this section. there are many supplements out there that will help. Strategically stacking some of these supplements will better your chances. Amino acids are a key player here, obviously.
some of you may not be able to attain some of the prescription medications and/or afford the cost, so I will also give you an option that you can get at a fair price over the counter from your local pharmacy.
What can I take over the counter?
My main goal for my pre workout was to achieve a great pump, vascularity and muscle endurance. The key players have always been L-Arginine and L-Citrulline. After extensive research, I've come to a conclusion (for myself), that both are required here, but L-Citrulline needs to be dosed at a high ratio than L-Arginine.
L-Citrulline Malate - 3 grams
L-Arginine (micronized) - 2 grams
L-Lysine - 2 grams
L-Methionine - 1 gram
Pycnogenol - 120 mg (this stuff is not cheap)
L-Cysteine - 1 to 2 grams
Vitamin C - 2 grams
L-Tyrosine - 1 gram
L-Glutamine - 1.5 grams
Magnesium Citrate - 400 mg
Note that the compounds mentioned are strategically chosen as they work in synergy. They all compliment each other and give you better results than taking them at random. Follow this protocol and give it time to build up, you will see results getting better and better over time. My personal protocol includes other drugs such as cialis, doxa, etc.. but I extracted those from the protocol above, which will still yield some outstanding results for you.
The 'Feel Good' Stack
We all want to feel good, right? The reality is, we're always looking for something that will give us a "boost" of energy. Well, we really need to stop doing this. Frankly, anything that really and truly gives you a sudden boost can be dangerous as well; especially with prolonged use. This is why the majority are disappointed and say "This product didn't do anything for me". We have to remember that products that actually work safely, require some time to compound into your system. We also have to remember that it's human nature to get used to a feeling and want more, because we assume it's not working.
Purpose of this Stack
This stack will help clear your mind and rid your of those groggy feelings. Instead of working on a metabolism boost or a testosterone "jolt", we'll be focusing on the brain. Stimulating the right hormones in the brain is a surefire way to relieve many stressors. A chain reaction that will result in a better overall well being, if you will. It is absolutely imperative that you do not expect a rush of something to come through your body. That's not what this stack is about.
It shouldn't take too long to make you feel better. The compounds I've chosen for you are fairly quick acting, but still require a little time for your system to develop the "goodness" they provide. Generally, you can expect to begin to feel better in as little as a week. You can use this stack on or off cycle. Timing is actually pretty important with some of these compounds so be sure to follow the stack as much as possible.
At one point I was down, feeling nervous and isolated. This is not uncommon for folks who cycle steroids due to the fluctuating hormonal imbalances. One minute was on top of the world, another minute I don't even want to go to the gym. Not a good way to lead your life. With these supplements, I was able to clear my mind, feel at ease and have a much better outlook. I've mentioned these in my supplement thread, however, I want to go into a bit more detail here and provide some timing related info.
The "Feel Good" Stack Ingredients
This is by far, one of my favorite supplements. To understand the compound, you need to know the journey this compound takes once you swallow that pill. I'll be discussing the conversions below.
Tryptophan Intake:
Prior to conversion. L-Tryptophan reduces serotonin reuptake (SRU) by blocking receptor sites. You see, it's not all about the serotonin levels, it's also about reuptake. If your SRU is high, there won't be much left behind for you to enjoy. So imagine there is a pool of water for you to swim in, but there is a hole in the bottom of the pool, draining the water fast. If we can block that hole, we can enjoy swimming longer. That's what happens when you block receptor sites so that you reduce SRU. Do not supplement with 5-HTP directly so we don't skip this important step. Now Tryptophan converts to 5-HTP with no notable degradation...
5-HTP Conversion:
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is the product of Tryptophan that leads to N-Acetylserotonin (NAS). The is really the most important part of 5-HTP. It's as far as you can go "legally" with supplements into this conversion process (exception of melatonin). This conversion amplifies what Tryptophan just did by blocking SRU. But without the original blockage, the effects are weakened. Now it converts to NAS...
NAS Conversion:
N-Acetylserotonin (NAS) is where time of day comes into play. This stage of the compound decides whether we stay at Serotonin, or continue the journey and convert to Melatonin. While melatonin has its uses, we do not want melatonin for this stack. It makes you sleepy. I'm sure you've heard of it being used as a sleep aid. But our goal is to have a good day, which will lead to a good night. You certainly don't want to be sleepy during the day. You see, your body has what's called a Circadian clock. This clock, identifies many things in your body that would indicate day, or night. It knows when you're tired, when you're most energetic, etc... This a 24 hour span that maintains a specific rhythm within your system. If your clock is indicating night time, it will convert what remains of serotonin into Melatonin. This is why we do not take Tryptophan at night. In my experience, Tryptophan intake at night causes very vivid and disturbing nightmares. It never fails and I can replicate the event any time.
Serotonin Conversion:
Hooray! We have arrived at the goodness. This is the result we're looking for. So now the "pool" described above is getting filled, all while the leaking hole is blocked. So not only did you seal the hole earlier, but you have more serotonin to enjoy. Serotonin deficiency (or very high reuptake) are associated with depression, stress, sleeping disorders and even anxiety attacks. Serotonin levels are important to manage as they provide stimulation to the central nervous system by transmitting nerve impulses throughout.
Since the final potential conversion is Melatonin, I'll skip that as we've discussed it above. It's just a sleep aid.
Tryptamine Conversion:
As you see in the chart above, Tryptamine is branched off into a separate metabolic pathway. So this occurred prior to 5-HTP conversion. Another reason NOT to supplement with 5-HTP directly. This one is the one that regulates your 'clock' mentioned above. So without it, NAS will have no idea what to do. A whole ton of neurotransmitters are dependant on Tryptamine for their activation and function. Without it, we're pretty much screwed. Tryptophan will put the petal to the metal with tryptamine.
There are more branched metabolic pathways. For example Indole and Indoxyl, however, my knowledge is very limited and research has been a tough task with these two. They certainly have some nitrogen retention benefits.
This is another one of my favorite amino acids. As a matter of fact, I carry this supplement with me everywhere. I take it all day, I absolutely love it. You don't really have to take it all day, I'll make supplementation easier for you in this protocol as you'll see at the end of the article.
Imagine for a second that you had a remote control in your hand. You turn the TV on and the volume is super loud! You press the 'volume down' button until the volume is reasonable and not annoyingly loud. This is what Theanine does. When your body becomes overly excited in a negative way, theanine is the 'volume down' button. For example, if someone is driving like a madman, normally you'd get pretty fired up. L-theanine will bring those stressing emotions down to a manageable level, and things like that won't bother you so much. Attenuate your frustrations with this outstanding amino acid.
The great thing about the calming effects of L-Theanine, is that it is not like a sedative. It will not make you sleepy, it will not make you tired. It just calms you down. It takes about 1 hour after intake for theanine to arrive at the brain. It stimulates with a peak at around the 2.5 hour mark and remains elevated for about 5 to 6 hours. This is the reason I use it all day, but you really don't have to in the presence of Tryptophan, because it makes up for a whole lot. And yes, Oral intake of theanine has been studied and proven to cross the blood brain barrier with no issues.
Alpha 1 Wave boost:
Waves in the brain can be used to determine your state of mind. Alpha waves are directly involved in your emotions and mostly notable when you're in a relaxed or calm state of mind. L-theanine has been proven to have a very positive effect on your Alpha 1 wave by increasing the size of the wave. The larger the wave the calmer/more relaxed you are. This occurrence is noted to happen within an hour of theanine supplementation.
GABA Boost:
I'm sure you've heard me mention GABA in the past. This chemical is very important for your state of health. It's involved in many areas such as energy levels, sleep quality, sexual performance, memory, bone quality, endurance and more. But GABA, unless supplemented heavily, has a hard time crossing the blood brain barrier. Not really the case when L-theanine is around to help it. The way it works is complex, but keep in mind that this is a vital step as you not only benefit directly from theanine, but it also acts as an amplifier for other benefiting compounds in your system.
Memory Boost:
This is very important to me and has proven many many times to be very effective. After supplementing with L-theanine regularly, you'll probably converse with others and they'll say thing to the effect of "How the heck did you know that"? Simple, a good memory. Studies have proven this as well, where subjects demonstrated a shorter delay in recognition. It works, and it's the best amino acid for memory purposes.
How Much and When To Use This Stack
L-Tryptophan - 1,000 mg in the morning, and 500 mg around lunchtime. (You may increase second dose to 1000 mg later)
L-Theanine - 400mg in the morning, and 400 mg around lunchtime.
As far as L-theanine, you can supplement with more if need be. It wouldn't hurt to take a 3rd dose. If you do, just take 200mg so that you stay at 1,000 mg for the day. There's really no need to use any more than that. It's really important to note something here... After a short while, you might get used to the feeling. There's no need to increase your doses too much. As mentioned in the beginning of this article, it's human nature to be greedy, and want more. Don't bother. Excessive doses will not lead to better results.
Have a powerful day,
~ Austniite
You stroll into the supplement section, probably visited a couple of my threads and think... this is crazy! I can't supplement with all that! Well, I understand. What I want you to understand is that you do not have to supplement with anything. The truth is, a decent and diverse diet can maintain a healthy body. So there's really no need to supplement heavily with anything. Of course, those with deficiencies will benefit. And some folks who have insane jobs that don't allow for proper nutrition would benefit as well.
That being said, there are 3 stages of state. Malnutrition, healthy and optimum. Malnutrition is obviously a poor diet. You're just not getting enough of the essentials and that will become problematic. Supplementation should NEVER be considered in cases of self-induced malnutrition. It's your responsibility to eat right. That's your first line of defense.
Healthy state is one with a good nutritional plan. If you're happy with that, great. No need to change anything. Finally, there's optimal. This is where supplementation comes into play. Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is merely enough to maintain a healthy state. These are also based on 2,000 calorie diets. They're likely to have your serum levels in range, lower range, but still in range. This range is considered healthy, or 'acceptable'. Most vitamins, minerals, herbs and amino acids are ok when these ranges are exceeded. In fact, you'd amplify the benefits. That stage would be considered optimum.
But today we're going to focus on optimizing essentials based on age groups and I'll add a recommendation for testosterone therapy patients. This is NOT about muscle and steroid cycles. This is about overall health and wellbeing. As much as I'd love to see you all supplementing heavily, I'm going to do my best to keep the list shorter than 5 each. It's not going to be easy! Let's get started...
Under 30 Years old:
N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
Purpose: Liver health, lung health, stomach health, kidney health, lower cholesterol and more. A powerful antioxidant.
Dosage: 600 mg daily.
Recommended: NAC 600 mg - 100 Veg Capsules - NOW Foods
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Purpose: Heart health, increased blood flow, immune system boost, lowers blood pressure, increased sperm count, sugar stabilization.
Dosage: 200 mg daily.
Recommended: CoQ10 200 mg - 60 Vcaps® - NOW Foods
Fish Oil with Vitamin E (Find it w/vitamin e combined)
Purpose: Brain health, vision health, lower triglycerides, anti inflammatory, better metabolic rate, increased nutrient delivery, enhanced immune system.
Dosage: 2500 mg oil. 800 mg EPA. 600 mg DHA. 20 IU Vitamin E Tocopherol.
Recommended: Carlson Labs - Elite Omega-3 Gems

Over 30 Years old:
N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
Purpose: Liver health, lung health, stomach health, kidney health, lower cholesterol and more. A powerful antioxidant.
Dosage: 600 mg daily.
Recommended: NAC 600 mg - 100 Veg Capsules - NOW Foods
Ubiquinol (UBQH <~ Only this)
Purpose: Heart health, increased blood flow, immune system boost, lowers blood pressure, increased sperm count, sugar stabilization, prostate health.
Dosage: 200 mg daily.
Recommended: UBQH 100mg | Ubiquinol | Integrative Therapeutics (This brand only)
Vitamin D
Purpose: Bone builder, essential for nervous system stability, enhances absorption of calcium and regulates mineral metabolism. D is in every cell in your body.
Dosage: 2,000 to 5,000 IU daily. (Obviously I'd rather see you take 5k, but 2k is the absolute minimum)
Recommended: Vitamin D-3 5,000 IU - 120 Softgels - NOW Foods
Fish Oil with Vitamin E (Find it w/vitamin e combined)
Purpose: Brain health, vision health, lower triglycerides, anti inflammatory, better metabolic rate, increased nutrient delivery, enhanced immune system.
Dosage: 2500 mg oil. 800 mg EPA. 600 mg DHA. 20 IU Vitamin E Tocopherol.
Recommended: Carlson Labs - Elite Omega-3 Gems
Testosterone Therapy patients should also consider both: DHEA and Pregnenolone.
There you have it. These are the basics and again, this is not about bodybuilding or steroid cycles. It's just about your general health and wellbeing. So if you're a minimalist, unlike myself with supplements, do your body a favor and supplement with the above.

More of Austinite's Supplements and Favorites
AMINO ACIDS (essential):
You've heard it before. Amino Acids are the "Building Block" of protein. There are 2 types of amino acids. Essential, and nonessential. Essential means that we need to include these in our diets because they can't be produced via metabolism. Nonessential refers to amino acids that can be produced from your diet. I supplement both and we'll discuss only the ones I use/prefer below since those are the ones I've experienced.
This is the one that you've probably heard of most. It's the amino acid found in tons of pre-workouts and widely marketed. L-Arginine is most certainly one of my favorites. This amino acid is one of your immune systems best friends, as it regulates the activity of your Thymus gland (which makes T cells that are used by your immune system).
Arginine will also increase your blood vessel circumference and therefore influencing muscle synthesis. Even at non-ideal body fat, you may notice increased vascularity in your leaner body parts. How about an increase in resting growth hormone?
PMID: 18090659 - PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE said:Recent studies have shown that resting growth hormone responses increase with oral ingestion of L-arginine and the dose range is 5-9 g of arginine. Within this range there is a dose-dependent increase and higher doses are not well tolerated. Most studies using oral arginine have shown that arginine alone increases the resting growth hormone levels at least 100%, while exercise can increase growth hormone levels by 300-500%. The combination of oral arginine plus exercise attenuates the growth hormone response, however, and only increases growth hormone levels by around 200% compared to resting levels.
While Lysine can be found in common foods such as eggs, cheese, fish, milk, red meat and potatoes, it's important for us to supplement because of our strict diets and lifestyles. Without enough Lysine, you could experience issues like concentration problems, irritability, lack of energy, poor appetite and a host of other concerns. Lysine will aid in muscle tissue development and can even help speed up recovery from minor injury. Lysine is a must pre workout for me. It's quite underrated and far more effective than some other widely marketed Amino's. Remember, marketing companies milk the heck out of anything that creates a "Buzz" for many years, and once people become accustomed to the name, they keep pushing it because it's all people recognize.
Detoxify! Methionine will rid your body of heavy metals and increases muscle strength. Sounds great, right? But wait! There's more! If you buy in the next ten minutes I'll throw in a fat break-down compound! That's right, Methionine will help break down fat, crucial for build up that might hinder flow to your brain, heart and kidneys. For those of you who fear L-Carnitine due to a recent article linking it to heart disease by conversion to TMAO, this might be a good alternative.
This one is required in order to produce vitamin B3. In a bad mood? This one is for you. You've heard of serotonin, right? That's what you'll get from supplementing Tryptophan as it produces serotonin. This is great for the betterment of your mood and even sleep. So, depression... Check! Insomnia... Check!
A few more benefits that are noteworthy: Tryptophan promotes the release of growth hormone, helps with headaches and your heart will love you for it.
Warning: I've experienced extremely vivid nightmares when consuming high doses of Tryptophan prior to bed-time. Reducing the dose before bed aided in sleep and virtually eliminated nightmares.

AMINO ACIDS (nonessential):
Step aside, Arginine, I think I may have found a new best friend!
Citrulline actually converts to Arginine, but it's absorbed better in high doses, where Arginine is not. This does make it superior to Arginine, but certainly not a replacement for it. They actually work well together. While shopping for your favorite amino acids, you will notice many manufacturers that produce a mix of Arginine and Citrulline.
This compound promotes energy. Who wouldn't want to supplement with it?? I'm guessing only those not aware of it! Furthermore, ammonia damages your cells, and Citrulline is your detox. Lastly, if you're looking for a great pump at the gym, this is a must in your pre-workout.
Here's an increasingly popular Amino Acid. Carnitine has been pitched as a fat burner by many supplement manufacturers. There's a good reason for that.
The main reason this amino acid exists is to transport fatty acids through our system. These fatty acids are then burned for energy. Now, in order for Carnitine to do everything that it does, it needs to be powered by something. Some sort of fuel if you will. Well, Carnitine chooses fat as its energy source. This is why doses beyond RDA (required daily allowance) are very effective in a fat-loss diet. It's working, even when you're not working out. Please don't mistake this for being able to shed fat while sitting on the couch for days on end!
Carnitine has been proven in legitimate studies to reduce the risk of heart disease. Mainly from conditions such as weak/improper fat metabolism, commonly found in diabetics and anyone with cardiovascular disorders.
Our bodies produce Carnitine, but it can only be produced if the you have enough of ALL of the following: B1, iron, Lysine and Methionine.
The fat burning capability of Carnitine is not picky, it burns whatever fat is available. This differentiates itself from Methionine (in the fat burning department) because Methionine targets areas. For example, within organs, such as the liver and other potentially problematic areas.
L-Carnitine can be found or made in injectable form. This would be the most effective, but it's not necessary. "NOW" products lineup includes L-Carnitine in liquid form, which is highly absorbable and comes in 1000mg per dose, or 3000mg per dose. This is the one I use.
When researching, you'll probably come across both Cystine and Cysteine. Notice the spelling. These 2 are pretty much identical, so either one will do.
Cysteine, when taken with Vitamin E becomes strong in the destruction of free radicals. Good for your skin, liver and brain, too. Speaking of stacking vitamins, B6 would be an ideal stack as well if you're experiencing minor illness.
I initially started using Cysteine when I developed symptoms of arthritis as it's known to be used to treat it. It's also used to treat the hardening of arteries. Amazing so far, huh? You can add to that list the breakdown of mucus, so if you experience any respiratory issues, consider Cysteine daily.
For muscle, it's crucial during recovery. There isn't a time of day that you wouldn't benefit from cysteine. Take it 3 times daily. Your body will love you for it.
Warning: Diabetics should not be using L-Cysteine as it may render inactive insulin.
Hey! Have no fear! L-theanine is here! Feeling anxious, nervous or a bit lethargic maybe? This one is for you. This non-protein amino acid can relax you, relieve some stress, increase your alertness and improve your memory. While I don't really experience anxiety, I started taking this amino acid to relieve stress and see the effects on alertness for me.
This is found in tea. And studies have shown that regular tea drinkers have a higher sense of alertness and are more relaxed than non-tea drinkers. One of several reasons you've heard me recommend tea in the nutrition forums. My experience with L-Theanine has been great.
I'm not going to say that this increased alertness drastically. It did however make a difference. My main concern was relaxation and it certainly works in that department. I use both an oral and transdermal. High doses are thought to bring on headaches, however this was not my experience. As a matter of fact I wasn't able to acheive notable success without high doses. No ill effects whatsoever from an average of 100mg for every hour I'm awake. I recommend you spread this out as much as possible. This is the only amino acid I carry with me at all times. It's in my house, in my car and at the office.
I've seen it. Read a little about it, but mostly ignored it in the past. I finally decided to dive into heavy research on this one very recently. Although a nonessential amino acid, it most certainly became essential for me. (ha, funny me).
Like Theanine, Tyrosine also has mood-regulating properties. Depression can be associated with it's deficiency. This is not one you want to use while bulking, as it can suppress your appetite. If your mood is noticeably enhanced with Tyrosine and you do not want to come off of it, be sure to couple it with a high dose of B12 while bulking. The appetite suppression is not dramatic, but it can aid for those who are below TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and are most likely hungry!
Melanin!! Tyrosine will promote melanin production. Benefits? Proper function of your thyroid gland. Adrenal and pituitary glands, too. So those with hyperthyroidism will certainly benefit. So supplement and eat more avocados and bananas!
Warning: Do not supplement if you are on anti-depressants.
Vitamin B12:
This is my favorite additions, on or off cycle, so I'll go into more detail here than the others. There are several methods of delivering B12 to the bloodstream. I'll list them in the order of effectiveness.
1. Intravenously.
2. Intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
3. Sublingual.
4. Oral.
I only recommend intravenous injection if you're an expert. Otherwise; for the average user I recommend either IM or SubQ injections. Sublingual can be effective in high doses and orals are simply weak.
Theres tons of argument about the effectiveness of oral B12 and there are tons of studies that prove this. However, there is not one single study (I've read most studies on PubMed) that would indicate optimum levels. Orals will work to bring a deficient patient into range. Remember the range for most diagnostics agencies is 200 to 1000. So it's easy to get from 180 (deficient) to 200+.
There are several types of B12 that you can use. I'll list them in the most effective order:
1. Methylcobalamin
2. Adenosylcobalamin
3. Hydroxocobalamin
4. Cyanocobalamin
Methylcobalamin is more bioactive than any other and obviously does not require conversion by the body to methyl; the form that's most beneficial to support red cells and your nervous system. This one is necessary to break down homocysteine (breakdown of non-protein amino acids).
Adenosylcobalamin, the second on the list is really just as effective as Methyl. This is because it's also a form that is useful, as other forms of B12 would have to convert to either Adenosyl or Methyl. This one is a key player in metabolic pathways.
Hydroxocobalamin must be converted by your body into methyl in order to be functional as stated above. The conversion process is certainly better than Cyanocobalamin, which is why it's third on the list. Hydroxo typically comes with other B vitamins. Which is important because B6, for example is required for the betterment of B12.
Cyanocobalamin is the one you find in just about every supplement. One of the reasons for that is because it's cheap to produce; making supplements cost effective, but unfortunately, not result effective. It's named Cyano because it's attached to the cyanide molecule. After the conversion process, very little methyl results. Intramuscular is a MUST with Cyano. Orals are not worth it.
If using a sublingual form, you should use no other than Methylcobalamin. Methyl, regardless of the delivery method is superior and most natural to all types. Sublingual doses should be administered at 35 times the dose of an injectable. That was not a typographical error. 35 times the injectable dose, however, dosing frequency would vary. I'll explain in a minute so that I don't end up gallivanting.
Now that we understand the types of B12 and administration methods, let's move onto how B12 actually works and what it does to your body once you introduce it exogenously to your body:
I'll try my best to keep this short. B12 in any form is converted to methyl or adenosyl, where the benefit begins. After conversion they breakdown important amino acids. Once in intestinal absorptive cells, It attaches to specific receptors. This process (depending on administration method) takes about 3 hours. At that stage B12 is circulating in your system and actively binding plasma proteins.
Every member here has probably heard of bodybuilders using B12 as part of their cycle protocols. Even off cycle, it's still being used. Now, you've probably heard that 1000mcg of oral B12 does not equal 1000mcg injected. This is true. And as mentioned earlier in this article, a sublingual dose of Methyl B12 should be 35 times higher. For example, if you dose B12 Methyl with a 1000mcg injection weekly, you would need 35,000 mcg of a sublingual equivalent. But sublingual methods require daily administration. So you would take 5,000mcg daily. While the sublingual yields great results for me, it certainly did not reach satisfactory (to me) serum levels. But still FAR superior to any other sublingual and frankly, even injectable Cyanocobalamin.
Quest Diagnostics range is 200 - 1100 pg/mL. I like to see my levels over 3000 pg/mL.
Here are some more benefits of B12:
1. Increased Energy.
2. Regenerates Red Blood Cells.
3. Healthy Bone Marrow.
4. Healthy Nervous System.
5. Helps Prevent Anemia.
6. Proper cell function.
7. Necessary for macronutrient metabolism (carbs, fats, proteins).
8. Enhances alertness and memory.
Sold yet? Supplement with B12. Always.
Vitamin C:
Most reviews and articles will tell you that 500mg is plenty. I'm telling you that 2 to 3 grams daily is better.
Like B12, vitamin C is also used by our bodies to form red blood cells. It's a good preventative measure for blood clots and protects us from free radicals that could cause serious damage (most important, brain and spinal cord). It helps recovery when your body is under stress, which is why it's important to use post-workout. This is great when stacked with L-Cysteine for an ideal post-workout. Vitamin C also aids in forming adrenaline.
Take it in the morning, at lunch, pre workout, post workout... take it all day. There's more to Vitamin C, but if the above doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.
Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is commonly supplemented as D3. Or D2, the common super-high iu prescription Drisdol.
Put your multi-vitamins aside, they're never enough. D3 should be supplemented at a minimum of 2000iu daily. Most doctors do not understand the importance of Vitamin D. While I was in range (the lower range), I was told that I do not need to supplement. I said I wanted to be in the upper range, or at least half way there, and was told I was being silly. No one needs that. My current endo, who I wouldn't trade for the world today, thinks otherwise. She understands that D is a bone builder, essential for nervous system stability, enhances the absorption of calcium and regulates mineral metabolism.
To quote a great friend of mine, Kelkel:
- Got it?It is literally in every cell in your body. To me that goes to show how important it really is. Further, it's more a hormone than a vitamin as well.
As mentioned before, some bodies utilize it more efficiently than others. My body seems to be extremely weak in that department. My recent bloodwork, while using Drisdol, resulted in incredibly weak results. I've increased my dose from 5,000iu daily, to 10,000iu daily and 2 days a week, I use drisdol at 50,000 iu's. Always with food. I'm excited to see my next panel results.
Vitamin E:
I call this the "Cover Me" vitamin. You know, in a shoot-out, your buddy "covers" you so that you can get across the field without getting shot? This is what Vitamin E does. I'll explain...
First thing, when purchasing Vitamin E, you should purchase Vitamin E Tocopherol (Gamma, Delta, Beta, Alpha).
All of us fitness and nutrition freaks are supplementing with fish oils. We need those Omega's! Well I've got news for you. You're not getting much out of those omegas if you're not taking them with Vitamin E. It protects the EFA's (essential fatty acids), and now... you're really benefiting. Also, L-Cysteine becomes L-Cysteine-on-steroids in the fight against free radicals when coupled with E.
More Benefits of Vitamin E:
1. Increases Fertility (male & female).
2. Can assist in restoration of male potency.
3. Protects Red Blood Cells.
4. Aids with Endurance by Supplying Oxygen.
5. Protects lungs from pollution.
MINERALS (Copper, Magnesium, Zinc):
Here's a considerably underrated mineral. Copper is very important to my supplementation regimen. Well, it is now at least. I've started using copper about a month ago and for good reason. This mineral goes hand in hand with Zinc and Vitamin C. Your copper levels drop when Zinc and Vitamin C are utilized by the body. This is where copper comes in handy. Why is it important to keep your copper levels at their optimal levels? Let's take a look at some benefits:
1. Provides Energy.
2. Enhances Sense of Taste.
3. Enhances skin color.
4. Promotes Bone Formation.
5. Creates Red Blood Cells.
6. Essential for Collagen Formation.
Also, Hyperlipidemia, or "high blood fat" could be the result of copper deficiency. I run this mineral at 2 mg daily. Always with Zinc.
I introduced magnesium to my daily intake several years ago and I'm very happy I did.
PH (Potential Hydrogen) Balance. pH is a measure of how much acid is in the fluids in your body. This balance gives an indication of your general health. Without good balance, quality of life suffers. Longevity clinics can tell you that poor pH could shorten a life-span. Magnesium enhances your pH balance. That is a good enough reason for me, but there's more...
1. Lowers the Chance of Kidney Stones. (ouch!)
2. Can Aid in Lowering Cholesterol.
3. Sleep Aid.
4. Muscle Relaxer.
Good couple: Magnesium & B6.
As mentioned above, Zinc goes well with Copper. You can find a Zinc/Copper mix for easier intake.
There's a reason why you'll find Zinc in OTC flu fighting medicines. It's effective! Quite powerful, actually. Between Zinc and Cialis, prostate gland function will be at it's optimum. Like Copper, it's essential for collagen formation and protein synthesis. A great antioxidant, too.
Here's a bonus for you acne prone folks... Zinc can regulate oil glands. Hence the use in acne treatments.
Lastly, you have to be careful with your dosing. It's not uncommon to take a dose of 100mg daily. However, going over 100 daily could reduce the function of the immune system. I recommend a daily dose of 50mg.
HERBS (Tea, Maca):
Green Tea:
Green Tea, or Diet green tea has been in my diet for ages. If I were to list the benefits, I could write a book. So let's keep it simple and look at reasons why I use it:
1. Lowers Total Cholesterol.
2. Increases HDL (good cholesterol)
3. Reduces LDL (bad cholesterol)
4. Enhances fat loss ability by boosting metabolism.
Good couple for fat loss: Green Tea & Caffeine.
I've been using Maca at 2400mg daily for 9 months now. 3 daily doses of 800mg each. Maca root is packed with vitamins, minerals and amino acids. There's your "Multi"! My endo recommended this for better hormone balance. Maca likes to go for the big guns. It stimulates the main glands, or "Master Glands" that regulate all the other glands. Because it enhances the Master Gland function, this results in a good balance in glands like the thyroid, adrenal, and testicular glands.
I recommend a minimum of 1600mg daily. Any testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patient should most certainly be supplementing with Maca.
Below you will find some information on supplements that members requested in this thread. I will try to update this section as often as possible as requests come in.
Glutamine is one of many amino acids. This is referred to as the "Brain Fuel". While in the brain, it's converted to Glutamic Acid. This conversion triggers your "intellect". Remember above, when I spoke of pH balance? AKA the level of acidity in fluids of your body? Well here is where Glutamine comes in, as it betters your chances of decent levels of acid and alkaline. You can have this tested at home for as little as $3. Just buy a pH balance kit. It's basically stripped that change color when a stream of urine passes over them. The kits come with a color chart indicating your pH levels. If you're not in a good range, Glutamine will be a great addition.
Another benefit to Glutamine is that it also acts as an "anti-toxin" by converting ammonia to a non-toxic substance. Ammonia can develop when other amino acids break down and release nitrogen. That's why it's important to include it with other amino's. Kind of like Fish oil and vitamin E, they go hand in hand.
Because it's abundant in muscles, it helps to build and retain your lean mass. This is detrimental if you're on a cut. While it can be found in many foods, it's actually destroyed when food is cooked. So ignore glutamine value in cooked foods. This is another reason my diet is heavy with raw spinach. I eat spinach salad(s) daily, which is a good source for Glutamine.
What Glutamine been used for successfully in treatments and as a preventative measure:
1. Autoimmune Disease
2. Potential Muscle Atrophy
3. Arthritis
4. Fibrosis
5. Epilepsy
6. Fatigue
7. Schizophrenia
8. Intestinal Disorders
WARNING: Do not supplement with Glutamine if you have:
~ Cirrhosis of the liver
~ Reye's Syndrome
~ Any issues with your Kidneys
~ High Blood Ammonia (The toxic cleansing properties of Glutamine on Ammonia are in the brain)
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10):
CoQ10 is an antioxidant that acts quite similarly to Vitamin E. It does just as good of a job producing energy. CoQ10 is beneficial in many areas, from depression to preventing heart attacks. One of the main reasons that I use it myself (some of you have seen my blood work) is that it can reduce the damage done by your LDL levels (bad cholesterol). Oxidation and blood vessels = no good.
Furthermore; an excellent stimulant for your immune system. Other areas of improvement include cardiovascular, aging and gum disease. While some articles will state that CoQ10 can lower blood pressure, I certainly would not count on it in that sense.
Dosing will vary per individual. I stay with a low dose, but 100mg daily is just fine.
Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium):
HGW is an aphrodisiac. Certainly not a replacement for Cialis or other erectile functionality drugs. Some studies have shown increase in testosterone levels when supplementing with HGW. However, there are other areas of benefits to HGW aside from a boost in libido. Let's have a look:
Involuntary urine leakage (incontinence): Some Chinese studies show that HGW improved growth in the sphincter muscles, which gets control over incontinence. Also shown to help with diarrhea.
Blood Pressure: HGW can lower your blood pressure. Not significantly, but certainly does help those with higher BP.
HGW is also commonly used for infertility, lethargy, back pain, arthritis and to stimulate the production of male sex hormones. Also can tonify the liver.
I don't know about you, but I certainly love the vascular look. The more the better! Some may not like it, but I think most of us regular gym goers crave the look. It's not just a look, it's motivating. Especially at the gym when you get that nice pump and your veins start popping out from everywhere. There are tons of positive things that happen in our bodies that lead to this. As a lifter and/or body builder, it's crucial to achieve the steps that lead to vascularity.
Before we move forward with explanations and supplementation I need to make sure to get the main key out of the way. Diet. you've heard it a million times... "Abs are made in the kitchen", well that goes for vascularity as well What you consume and how much of it will eventually determine your body fat percentage. A lower body fat percentage will yield a higher level of vascularity I'm not saying you have to be "stage ready" at 4 to 6% body fat. But certainly not easily attainable when we're over 15%. Now again, that number is not set in stone. Everyone is different and genetics play a strong role here.
Nitric Oxide levels have a massive effect on our bodies with tons of benefits. But today we will discuss the ones that are related to this topic:
Blood Flow/Circulation:
Increasing your blood flow is the first key. Boosting your nitric oxide levels will achieve this by relaxing the blood vessels, leading to an increase in diameter. Blood flows better in bigger/wider veins.
Muscle Cell Endurance:
Endurance is not only related to your cardio abilities. Your muscles' endurance can be targeted by boosting your nitric oxide levels. This will allow you to lift heavy. But also helps with efficient recovery from strenuous lifting, inevitably leading to growth.
Muscle Mass:
This goes hand in hand with the 1st one mentioned, blood flow. Imagine your body is a plant that needs watering. If you water this plant with a tiny hose that has the diameter of a drinking straw, it will take forever to feed it. It's just not effective. But if you water the plant with a large diameter hose, you'll feed it quickly and efficiently. Same goes for your muscles. The larger the vessels that lead to your muscles, the more nutrients they will get. It's that simple. Open the flood gates.
What can I supplement with to increase vascularity?
Ok, so some of you probably jumped straight to this section. there are many supplements out there that will help. Strategically stacking some of these supplements will better your chances. Amino acids are a key player here, obviously.
some of you may not be able to attain some of the prescription medications and/or afford the cost, so I will also give you an option that you can get at a fair price over the counter from your local pharmacy.
What can I take over the counter?
My main goal for my pre workout was to achieve a great pump, vascularity and muscle endurance. The key players have always been L-Arginine and L-Citrulline. After extensive research, I've come to a conclusion (for myself), that both are required here, but L-Citrulline needs to be dosed at a high ratio than L-Arginine.
L-Citrulline Malate - 3 grams
L-Arginine (micronized) - 2 grams
L-Lysine - 2 grams
L-Methionine - 1 gram
Pycnogenol - 120 mg (this stuff is not cheap)
L-Cysteine - 1 to 2 grams
Vitamin C - 2 grams
L-Tyrosine - 1 gram
L-Glutamine - 1.5 grams
Magnesium Citrate - 400 mg
Note that the compounds mentioned are strategically chosen as they work in synergy. They all compliment each other and give you better results than taking them at random. Follow this protocol and give it time to build up, you will see results getting better and better over time. My personal protocol includes other drugs such as cialis, doxa, etc.. but I extracted those from the protocol above, which will still yield some outstanding results for you.
The 'Feel Good' Stack
We all want to feel good, right? The reality is, we're always looking for something that will give us a "boost" of energy. Well, we really need to stop doing this. Frankly, anything that really and truly gives you a sudden boost can be dangerous as well; especially with prolonged use. This is why the majority are disappointed and say "This product didn't do anything for me". We have to remember that products that actually work safely, require some time to compound into your system. We also have to remember that it's human nature to get used to a feeling and want more, because we assume it's not working.
Purpose of this Stack
This stack will help clear your mind and rid your of those groggy feelings. Instead of working on a metabolism boost or a testosterone "jolt", we'll be focusing on the brain. Stimulating the right hormones in the brain is a surefire way to relieve many stressors. A chain reaction that will result in a better overall well being, if you will. It is absolutely imperative that you do not expect a rush of something to come through your body. That's not what this stack is about.
It shouldn't take too long to make you feel better. The compounds I've chosen for you are fairly quick acting, but still require a little time for your system to develop the "goodness" they provide. Generally, you can expect to begin to feel better in as little as a week. You can use this stack on or off cycle. Timing is actually pretty important with some of these compounds so be sure to follow the stack as much as possible.
At one point I was down, feeling nervous and isolated. This is not uncommon for folks who cycle steroids due to the fluctuating hormonal imbalances. One minute was on top of the world, another minute I don't even want to go to the gym. Not a good way to lead your life. With these supplements, I was able to clear my mind, feel at ease and have a much better outlook. I've mentioned these in my supplement thread, however, I want to go into a bit more detail here and provide some timing related info.
The "Feel Good" Stack Ingredients
This is by far, one of my favorite supplements. To understand the compound, you need to know the journey this compound takes once you swallow that pill. I'll be discussing the conversions below.



Tryptophan Intake:
Prior to conversion. L-Tryptophan reduces serotonin reuptake (SRU) by blocking receptor sites. You see, it's not all about the serotonin levels, it's also about reuptake. If your SRU is high, there won't be much left behind for you to enjoy. So imagine there is a pool of water for you to swim in, but there is a hole in the bottom of the pool, draining the water fast. If we can block that hole, we can enjoy swimming longer. That's what happens when you block receptor sites so that you reduce SRU. Do not supplement with 5-HTP directly so we don't skip this important step. Now Tryptophan converts to 5-HTP with no notable degradation...
5-HTP Conversion:
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is the product of Tryptophan that leads to N-Acetylserotonin (NAS). The is really the most important part of 5-HTP. It's as far as you can go "legally" with supplements into this conversion process (exception of melatonin). This conversion amplifies what Tryptophan just did by blocking SRU. But without the original blockage, the effects are weakened. Now it converts to NAS...
NAS Conversion:
N-Acetylserotonin (NAS) is where time of day comes into play. This stage of the compound decides whether we stay at Serotonin, or continue the journey and convert to Melatonin. While melatonin has its uses, we do not want melatonin for this stack. It makes you sleepy. I'm sure you've heard of it being used as a sleep aid. But our goal is to have a good day, which will lead to a good night. You certainly don't want to be sleepy during the day. You see, your body has what's called a Circadian clock. This clock, identifies many things in your body that would indicate day, or night. It knows when you're tired, when you're most energetic, etc... This a 24 hour span that maintains a specific rhythm within your system. If your clock is indicating night time, it will convert what remains of serotonin into Melatonin. This is why we do not take Tryptophan at night. In my experience, Tryptophan intake at night causes very vivid and disturbing nightmares. It never fails and I can replicate the event any time.
Serotonin Conversion:
Hooray! We have arrived at the goodness. This is the result we're looking for. So now the "pool" described above is getting filled, all while the leaking hole is blocked. So not only did you seal the hole earlier, but you have more serotonin to enjoy. Serotonin deficiency (or very high reuptake) are associated with depression, stress, sleeping disorders and even anxiety attacks. Serotonin levels are important to manage as they provide stimulation to the central nervous system by transmitting nerve impulses throughout.
Since the final potential conversion is Melatonin, I'll skip that as we've discussed it above. It's just a sleep aid.
Tryptamine Conversion:
As you see in the chart above, Tryptamine is branched off into a separate metabolic pathway. So this occurred prior to 5-HTP conversion. Another reason NOT to supplement with 5-HTP directly. This one is the one that regulates your 'clock' mentioned above. So without it, NAS will have no idea what to do. A whole ton of neurotransmitters are dependant on Tryptamine for their activation and function. Without it, we're pretty much screwed. Tryptophan will put the petal to the metal with tryptamine.
There are more branched metabolic pathways. For example Indole and Indoxyl, however, my knowledge is very limited and research has been a tough task with these two. They certainly have some nitrogen retention benefits.
This is another one of my favorite amino acids. As a matter of fact, I carry this supplement with me everywhere. I take it all day, I absolutely love it. You don't really have to take it all day, I'll make supplementation easier for you in this protocol as you'll see at the end of the article.
Imagine for a second that you had a remote control in your hand. You turn the TV on and the volume is super loud! You press the 'volume down' button until the volume is reasonable and not annoyingly loud. This is what Theanine does. When your body becomes overly excited in a negative way, theanine is the 'volume down' button. For example, if someone is driving like a madman, normally you'd get pretty fired up. L-theanine will bring those stressing emotions down to a manageable level, and things like that won't bother you so much. Attenuate your frustrations with this outstanding amino acid.
The great thing about the calming effects of L-Theanine, is that it is not like a sedative. It will not make you sleepy, it will not make you tired. It just calms you down. It takes about 1 hour after intake for theanine to arrive at the brain. It stimulates with a peak at around the 2.5 hour mark and remains elevated for about 5 to 6 hours. This is the reason I use it all day, but you really don't have to in the presence of Tryptophan, because it makes up for a whole lot. And yes, Oral intake of theanine has been studied and proven to cross the blood brain barrier with no issues.
Alpha 1 Wave boost:
Waves in the brain can be used to determine your state of mind. Alpha waves are directly involved in your emotions and mostly notable when you're in a relaxed or calm state of mind. L-theanine has been proven to have a very positive effect on your Alpha 1 wave by increasing the size of the wave. The larger the wave the calmer/more relaxed you are. This occurrence is noted to happen within an hour of theanine supplementation.
GABA Boost:
I'm sure you've heard me mention GABA in the past. This chemical is very important for your state of health. It's involved in many areas such as energy levels, sleep quality, sexual performance, memory, bone quality, endurance and more. But GABA, unless supplemented heavily, has a hard time crossing the blood brain barrier. Not really the case when L-theanine is around to help it. The way it works is complex, but keep in mind that this is a vital step as you not only benefit directly from theanine, but it also acts as an amplifier for other benefiting compounds in your system.
Memory Boost:
This is very important to me and has proven many many times to be very effective. After supplementing with L-theanine regularly, you'll probably converse with others and they'll say thing to the effect of "How the heck did you know that"? Simple, a good memory. Studies have proven this as well, where subjects demonstrated a shorter delay in recognition. It works, and it's the best amino acid for memory purposes.
How Much and When To Use This Stack
L-Tryptophan - 1,000 mg in the morning, and 500 mg around lunchtime. (You may increase second dose to 1000 mg later)
L-Theanine - 400mg in the morning, and 400 mg around lunchtime.
As far as L-theanine, you can supplement with more if need be. It wouldn't hurt to take a 3rd dose. If you do, just take 200mg so that you stay at 1,000 mg for the day. There's really no need to use any more than that. It's really important to note something here... After a short while, you might get used to the feeling. There's no need to increase your doses too much. As mentioned in the beginning of this article, it's human nature to be greedy, and want more. Don't bother. Excessive doses will not lead to better results.
Have a powerful day,
~ Austniite
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