Omnialtd anavar legit or not???

The Illyrian

New member
Hi guys, new in here...been lookin arounf for answers and clarifications but nothing.

Im 25 183cm, 93kg. 13%bf.

Started some var only (firt cycle, just cutting) [dont start with pussy jokes please, i dont mind needles] 3 days ago...i dont really feel anything yet, plus Im unsure the stuff is legit. I got it from a friend that got it from another friend, so i dont really know how real can it be.

Says in the tag that is made in US.
Any of you had expierience or been using or seeing the product?

Thank you!!
so you got it from a friend, who got it from a friend.... what could possibly go wrong?
are you a female?
If i was 93 kg with 13%bf woman, i probably wouldnt be on var only... its a 50-50 atm, coz i heard from others that the brand is legit, but they dont have a website or so...
The other thing is that i just started...i heard that you need at least a week to 10days to feel the effects, so im still waiting, just wanted to know if im wasting time.
Doses are at 50mg ED, but will get at 80 at mid cycle.

Let me know if anyone has ever tried the brand please.
I havent tried that brand before if I were you I would just look it up on google and if you cant find anything on it than its really any ones guess. If it were me I would just take it and see if I saw any changes. Obviously oral only cycles arent idea but im pretty sure 83.2% of the people here would do one if thats all they could get there hands on.
You need test as a male to function
var will suppress your test levels you will feel like shit and a little bit of var will do sweet fuck all if your going to run something without running test at least get something strong like tren or something lol