On Anavar only, what next?


New member
Hey I was referred to this forum from a friend and was told there are a lot of experienced members here who will give the good advice.

I started my Anavar cycle only not stacked with anything else. I'm taking 50mg per day for 8 weeks and coming to the end of my cycle. My pct consists of 1cc Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every other day with a 1 20mg tab of nolvadex for 30 days.

For the past 4 months I've been on a strict workout, diet and cardio program, half way is when I started my anavar cycle.
My stats when I started my program were 182lbs with 23% body fat.
My current stats are 25 years old, 5'7, 163lbs, 9.5% body fat.

Now I know some members will give me some flak for not stacking it with some sort of test, but I have had some decent results just doing anavar alone also resulting in minimal side effects. My question is should I just bridge into another cycle immediately instead of running my post cycle therapy (pct)? My only concern is hair loss is known to run in my family, although i still do have a decent head of hair I am beginning to recede. Can anyone suggest me a cycle that will make me ripped, and have a minimal effect on my hair?
i find it extremely hard to believe that you went from 23% to 9.5%bf, do you have before after pictures, if you truly did that, that is something i would like to see and i know others would be impressed by
i find it extremely hard to believe that you went from 23% to 9.5%bf, do you have before after pictures, if you truly did that, that is something i would like to see and i know others would be impressed by

Why is that so hard to believe? I've been on a low glycemic diet with my carbs at only 180grams per day plus running 2x45 min cardio.. I will post pics later but for now I would like some direction on where to take my cycle, any input?
do the standard test e or c 12 weeks at 500mg a week, 250mg mon thursday. 12.5aromasin ed through post cycle therapy (pct), post cycle therapy (pct) starting week 14 clomid 50 ed for 4 weeks and nolva 40 ed for 2 weeks then bump down to 20mg ed for 2 weeks, these two should be ran together imo.