ON Casein Protein


Unsung Hero
Is it just me,or is this the worst mixing product ever?
I've never had something mix so poorly
it really really sucks at mixing.... i put it in a water bottle with alot of milk and shake the shit out of it... and it is still chunky in some parts....
i have about15-20% in my mix's and it mix's fien in a shaker cup.
now this new one iv started using pwo the "fast digesting casein" FUKN NASTY , chunky, sourr just gross and it leaves a taste in my mouth like i just drank milk that went bad 5 months ago, the chunkyness didnt help that ether, I almost puked today when a few chunks stuck a bit on way down.

supposed to be vary good thow pwo :) so im happy lol.

try no more then 30% in your protien mix with maybe gemma protein to fill in the rest?
put it in a blender with 1 cup of oats and theres your perfect pwo meal
ive actually been putting 1 scoop of vanilla casein protein, 1 banana, about 6 strawberries, half a cup of oats... all in the blender with organic non fat milk.... about 16oz's...... i drink it before i go to sleep... i love it, taste like a smoothie...