? on post workout TP supplements(waxy maise starch)


New member
Was looking at some of TP's supplements and came across something called waxy maise starch suppose to be really effective for post workout.
ANyone try this???? How effective is it?? Or woudl 1 just be better going w/whole foods like fruit/pasta/breads/oatmeal????
I've noticed that DirkMoneyShot lists it in some of the diets he has posted up recently in the diet forum.
its nothing magical, but it fills you out well (especially if you are dieting and have been on low carbs), and doesnt bloat you like like malto/dex.

when youre eating a lot of carbs PWO, varied sources are best. I do WMS (starch) with bcaas, taurine, and cee PWO in a shaker as im leaving the gym, then when i get home i do whey and some starch, glucose, and fructose. Dirk recommends red potatos, or oatmeal with honey and raisins. I also like to use grits, flavored packets of oatmeal, and smarties sometimes. I throw some powdered gatorade in sometimes as well. It really doesnt matter, just get some protein and carbs.
Its not a miracle supplement, but it is better then malto and dextrose that most people use.

On another board alot of these members will drink their WMS immediately after their workout. It is quick to empty the stomach and get into the system. About 20 mins later they will have their whey shake and any other PWO supplements they take.
i think waxy maize is great stuff...(not a miracle supplement) but works well to keep me full and help get in the extra carbs i need to gain weight.

If you have the money def invest in it.
mister69 said:
i think waxy maize is great stuff...(not a miracle supplement) but works well to keep me full and help get in the extra carbs i need to gain weight.

If you have the money def invest in it.

So what is your weight up to?