On the right track with Pinnacle Labs

Don't know about their anabolics yet (ask me next month tho), but I ran out of aromasin and tried to work in some of the Pinn letro. Fucking CRUSHED my estrogen at about a 1/4 of a dose. I know THAT shit is good.
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Pinn does have great customer service. Ordered Tren and Test C with quick delivery. Smooth inj. no pip. Blood work coming soon.
HCG doesn't need to be freeze dried. If it hasn't been reconstituted yet, it is fine at room temperature. Yes, they do have HCG

If HCG is stored in the freezer, it can last almost indefinitely before reconstitution. It is also fine after reconstitution at room temperature. The efficacy of the HCG will begin to degrade faster tho when not refrigerated. But for a cycles purpose, reconstituted at room temp is fine.