One day into cycle and I need to stop!!! Do I need PCT?


New member
Hi Guys,

Been researching my first cycle for just under a year now and i finally decided on the following;
Test E 250mg x2 wk1-12
Dbol Kickstart 30mg ED wk1-2 then 40mg wk3-4

Keeping it simple

Diet in check
Training in check
PCT in check

So basically long story short i pinned my first 250mg of Test E this morning and took the 30 mg Dbol, went to the gym, came back and received a call from work saying I have to go out of the country for 3 months, leaving in a fortnight (nature of my job unfortunately). So I have decided to save my gear until i get back so i can run the cycle i have planned. How do i go about stopping? Do i need a PCT? Or have i not taken enough to require a PCT? May be a silly question but i do not want to fuck myself up before i even get a cycle under my belt!

Any help would be amazing,
Cheers guys

Stats (if necessary):
Really man no worries. Yes you shut down but you will bounce right back without pct. I know because I have done it more then once in the past 30 years Ha lol. Just stop and move on... you will be ok.
If you take 4 lortabs for 1 day an addict u are not.

Ur fine don t freak ur self never happened.
You only took the dbol one day. There's no point in taking Nolvadex for a day or 2. Nolvadex during a cycle is to prevent gyno. After a cycle in conjuction with clo mid for pct.
1 day is not a cycle
Rub some coconut oil on your testicles for 3 days you should bounce right back since it was inly 1 day
Not noticed any chance in mood, libido or ball size so I believe that it hasn't really effected me. Been over a week now so I think I'm going to be fine. Thanks