Hey guys. If anyone is familiar with me on this forum, I'm a formerly natural lifter looking to try a Sarm a few months back. After my first cycle of LGD (ran as a standalone) I may have screwed up my HPTA...
Back at the beginning of July I was tested and my levels were:
TT: 541
E2: 29
Pretty normal, middle of the range guy. I was warned of LGD's shutdown effects, but I decided that I'd just run anyway and HCG afterward. However, I realized halfway through it was a dumb idea and decided to finish four weeks instead of eight and come off.
Post levels were:
TT: 199
E2: 27
So we see a drop in both my hormones. Now, I need to mention that I did accidentally OD on GHRP6 for a week. My friend suggested I try GHRP since I was having shoulder joint issues.
So, three weeks later, no PCT, I felt better. I was waiting for my nolvadex to come in the mail and my friend suggested I forgo the nolva and go straight to HCG. So I got in touch with a doc and he prescribed me 1000IU HCG twice a week for a month.
So after my month wrapped up, I got bloodwork done and now sitting at:
TT: 296
E2: <5
Doc read it to me like a death sentence. He said I did have the option of getting on TRT for a few months and run in conjuction with 500IU HCG to see if my TT levels would come back, but he was baffled why my E2 levels were low and didn't think I'd make a full recovery. Furthermore, he thought I was lying to him through my teeth since he didn't believe Sarms were as harmful to the HPTA as steroids but... here we have evidence that they are. So what do you guys think? Should I try TRT with HCG for a few months to see if my HPTA comes back? Do I wait it out a few more weeks and get tested again? What're your thoughts?
Back at the beginning of July I was tested and my levels were:
TT: 541
E2: 29
Pretty normal, middle of the range guy. I was warned of LGD's shutdown effects, but I decided that I'd just run anyway and HCG afterward. However, I realized halfway through it was a dumb idea and decided to finish four weeks instead of eight and come off.
Post levels were:
TT: 199
E2: 27
So we see a drop in both my hormones. Now, I need to mention that I did accidentally OD on GHRP6 for a week. My friend suggested I try GHRP since I was having shoulder joint issues.
So, three weeks later, no PCT, I felt better. I was waiting for my nolvadex to come in the mail and my friend suggested I forgo the nolva and go straight to HCG. So I got in touch with a doc and he prescribed me 1000IU HCG twice a week for a month.
So after my month wrapped up, I got bloodwork done and now sitting at:
TT: 296
E2: <5
Doc read it to me like a death sentence. He said I did have the option of getting on TRT for a few months and run in conjuction with 500IU HCG to see if my TT levels would come back, but he was baffled why my E2 levels were low and didn't think I'd make a full recovery. Furthermore, he thought I was lying to him through my teeth since he didn't believe Sarms were as harmful to the HPTA as steroids but... here we have evidence that they are. So what do you guys think? Should I try TRT with HCG for a few months to see if my HPTA comes back? Do I wait it out a few more weeks and get tested again? What're your thoughts?