Hey guys I'm 3 days into my cycle pinning 100mg eod for a total of 300mg/week. Before this cycle i had done a 4 week anavar only cycle of 40mg ed (4x 10mg). The anavar was bunk and turned out to be 5mg dbol +5mg winstrol. I didn't use pct ( I know I'm going to get flamed a lot for that but it didn't shut me down too much and i still maintained a high sex drive and kept the size/strength I put on.
But taking account that my natural test levels aren't at their peak, will 300mg/week test prop be enough for me to get decent to good gains? (at least 10lb) or will it just be substituting the natural test my body is missing?
Thank you for your time and I look forward to reading your comments.
how exactly did you arrive at the conclusion that your anavar caps were 5mg dbol + 5mg winny?
anyway, 100mg eod woud put you at 350mg a week, (ya know since there are 7 days in a week and half of 7 is 3.5). and while that alone IS very high levels of testosterone
on paper, its just not worth it to cycle.
if you want your first cycle do be with prop, get enough to last you 8-10 weeks @ 150mg EOD. get back to us when you know what you're doing training wise and diet wise, otherwise you will not gain.
but listen.. being on steroids make me wanna train harder than i ever did naturally because i feel like every single session counts. and while thats how you should train naturally, i just didnt feel that way because of my genetics which is why i resorted to the oils.
my best friend, basically a brother to me, has an amazing physique with no effort at all. he eats whatever, trains once or twice a week, walks around with great size and visible abs all year round. i beg him to let me put him on a diet and training regimen but constantly refuses, and he asks me for AAS. as a result, i refuse as well. he doesnt need it at all. if he took the diet i gave him, and trained with me 4 times a week, he would look better than me even though he's natty and maybe i would give him the shit i take. but as a brother i refuse to give him that.
look, what i'm getting at is, before you jump the gun at post the classic "my first cycle" thread, you should REALLY reassess your diet and training regimen and decide if its worth it for you. because if really your main objective out of all this is to look good on the beach, or for some fuckin girl, you really dont need this. trust me, i'm only turning 23 years old in June, and i am testosterone dependent for the rest of my life because of decisions i've made at 17.
good luck,