Opinions on a routine ?


New member
HI guys,
I’d like to hear what you think about this routine i was suggested.


Its basically 1 exercise per body part and 8x8 sets/reps, with a change in the exercise every two weeks, For example on chest, starting with Bench and in two weeks to incline and so on for the rest.
Appreciate any info.
I just wanna know y you are going to do this kinda routine? and doing 8 sets on bis and tris thats going too be lasge vloume in my mind.
I don't like the fact you do tris before shoulders and then you shoulders before tris. Also biceps before back now thats starting too get stupid.
Any questions!!!!
Your doing 8 set's on one exercise??
Why not do three or four exercises, two or three set's, six rep's to eight rep's? Are you trying to build mass or cut? Try working only one body part a week for a while to see how effective it is for you. You also want to do more than one exersise on each muscle group.
Mon---Chest---Flat Bench, Incline Dumbell's, Cable Crossover's, Fly's--- 3 set's each, 6 rep's.....
Just my .02 bro..........
IMHO...You will overtrain the fuck out of your triceps and biceps!! Your triceps will be worked 6 days per week. Holy Fuck:D
O.k i just want to say i`m not doing this routine it was suggested to me for a change. Also thanks for your replys.

Now i agree with you guys so to Beast_19_301, if you were to do this routine which two bodyparts would you combine?

To |D|R|S|, i`m looking for a mass builder routine and i`ve been doing one like you mentioned for the past 8 weeks, so i figure i make a change to shock my body a little.

Also ya now that i think of it bis and tris is way overtraining this way.

Any suggestions on what to do?
u could try:
Monday: chest and biceps
tuesday: Legs
wed: off
thur:shoulders and calves
friday: back and tri
weekends off

Monday: Chest/shoulders/tris
thur: off
fri: back and bis

Shoulders dpending on if you do heavy incline bench you can just do laterial raises and some reverse laterial raise and then you are done.
Also you can do the 5*5 method of training their is some info on this board if you are not sure on that method or i can find some for you.

I also include all the basic excercises in my training, Deadlifts, bench, squats, clean and press, Pullups........They do the job like you wouldn't beleive.
What is your current routine and what are your goals?
To 70w30 My Current routine is :
Mon, Chest,
Tue, Back,
Wed, Legs,
Thu, Shoulders,
Fri, Arms,
sat, sun, off

2 basic exer. per body part 4x8 and one 3x8, i`m looking for a mass routine.

Thanks Beast, i looked into the 5x5 and looks good, i got one question though will it be to much to workout each bodypart twice a week on the 5x5?
yes, doing that kinda heavy training I would give your muscle and tendons enough rest so you don't risk injurie. You could do Muscular endurance trainin and then do the 5*5 the next time you train.

But what kind of spilt r u looking at?
back and biceps
back and bis
then take 2 days off that could work.