opinions on mail orders


New member
Hey all.....was just wondering on your opinions on the safety of mail orders. Domestic and International.... Considering its a small order a decent cycle.... just for you and only you.....and you know this source is legit.....Does the govt. go after the little fish? Any opinions????
You'll be fine either way. I've never heard of them going after someone for a small order. If you choose to go international don't use a hot country. Domestic is safer for obvious reasons but usually harder to come by when you're new.

Either way you'll be fine. And to anyone thinking of asking .... don't.
I agree with MV, if it's a small order, personal use I think you are good either way, but domestic probably would be safest right now!!!
The government doesn't usually have time to go after users. Dealers are the main focus, especially ones who also sell other controlled substances ( painkillers, narcotics, ect.)
I won't touch international at the moment. And I'm pretty leery about domestic as well, lol. Sucks, don't it?
Domestic every time!! Never have gone international...but that doesnt mean its not good I just like the odds better with domestics...Plus with all the labs its not hard to find greta products that you cant get from over seas..just my .02 Good luck SD
TxLonghorn said:
I won't touch international at the moment. And I'm pretty leery about domestic as well, lol. Sucks, don't it?

Seeing as how you're a mod on like every board on the net I would venture to think you'd be one of the last people to have a problem. LOL
i would use domestic they are harder to get atleast for me.they come and go faster than international sources imo.but its less risky because it doesnt go through customs,but if you live in small citiy,towns etc they might scrutinize your pack more than a pack heading to a large city because of the volumes of mail..
