Opinions on next cycle(Test 400, EQ and Tren Ace


New member
So, I'm in the planning process for my next cycle and was thinking Test 400, EQ and Tren Ace

My Stats are:

30 y/o
Training for years, clean diet and have two previous cycles under my belt( Sust 250 12 weeks and Test-E/var 12 weeks). I know many of you will recommend gaining more weight naturally, but I need to remind you that I'm short and although I'm only 159lbs I'm actually pretty "big" for my height, or at least that's what people tell me, lol...

Bench - 300lbs
Deads - 395lbs
Squat - 335lbs

So, with all of that out of the way let's get down to the cycle:

Week 1-17: Test 400 - 200mg 2x week
Week 1-15: Eq - 300mg 2x per week
Week 1-8: Tren Ace 50mg eod
Week 20-24: Clomid 100/100/50/50
Week 20-24: Nolva 40/40/20/20

Like always, 500iu HCG/week through the duration of the cycle and 12.5mg Aromisin EOD. Will increase/decrease as needed.

Thanks in advance for any critiques or suggestions...
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Aromasin should be taken daily due to its half life...

Are u sure u got enough knowledge to be doing this cycle?
Aromasin should be taken daily due to its half life...

Are u sure u got enough knowledge to be doing this cycle?

Well, I thought I had a good grasp but it looks like I still have some research to do. Thank you for your advice.

drop the tren.. run the eq.. only run one new compound at a time

That was the original plan. Until a few buddies at the gym started running Tren w/ great results. At that point, I decided it may be a good addition to my next cycle. I will consider dropping the Tren, but unfortunately I already bought it. Knowing myself, I think I might have a hard time leaving it on the shelf though. Thank you for the reply.