Will a testosterone only cycle be just as effective as a dbol and testosterone cycle? And would the answer be the same for both beginners and advanced alike?
So, after all is said and done.................there is always more said than done. LOL But seriously, as newbie on this board, Im 54, now on my 1st cycle in 30 years. Previously, I had been on either deca and dbol cycles for 8-12 weeks. Or testosterone enanthate and deca durobolin for 12 weeks. And I see that "after all is said and done" 30 yrs after my first cycle, its seems that the 3 thinGS I WAS ON BEFORE ARE THE 3 MOST POPULAR THINGS NOW! So, contrary to what many of you believe, we havent come as far as we all think.(seems to me most of the progress has been on the insane dosages the body can withstand so everyone who competes can have a 22 inch arm like ARNOLD.(almost)and the addition of Aromataise inhibitors.(which I never used back then and didnt use till just now with no major sides at all. On the other hand, we have made substantial progress but sadly, it is causing sooooo much confusion that I see that some guys waste 6 months asking questions about 9 differend roids and 4 different ai's and when they finally do start, they are less sure if they are safe than when they started researching. From what Im hearing from the guys who a-have the most posts b-guys who have done the most cycles is: YOU WANT TO USE TESTOSTERONE AS YOUR BASE(preferably enanthate or cypionate) and take DBOL to jump start your cycle for 1st 6 weeks as it may take 2-3 weeks before you even start gaining weight with the enanthate or other testosterones.
So Im now on :sustano250, 1ml 2x a week and the dianabol I shall keep private for now to keep us on track. So my question is, if dbol has the same water retention and bulking qualities as testosterone, TO avoid confusion for newbies, is it safe to say that most of you experienced guys here, and most experienced guys who compete would agree that if you dont care about jumpstarting your gains, there is absolutely no reason to take d-bol at all and just use the same or more testosterone since all of you seem to say "TESTOSTERONE IS KING."? TRUE OR FALSE?
FOR EXAMPLE, before the newbie does his first injection, how does he compare dbol to testosterone in the body on a mg to ml level?(notice these 2 arent measured or dispensed the same way so thats where confusion can be rampant right there!)
The question: Since 500ml of sust or enathate per week seems to be the majority of peoples starting point, even if you are going top stack with dbol, why not just use 6-750ml of test., and skip the dbol or just do the 500ml of test alone, and if you dont get gthe result you feel is warranted after 3-4 weeks you know for sure its the test dosage and you can increase with confidence with no other variables in your way to cause confusion? IN OTHER WORDS....WHEN BULKING, ISNT TEST ONLY THE BEST WAY TO KEEP TRACK OF WHAT YOUR BODY REALLY NEEDS AS FAR AS DOSAGES AND PERHAPS EVEN TIMES PER WEEK?
This also could make a case to use the same type of testosterone as well and forget stacking your enanthate with sustanon and something else. TRUE OR FALSE?
Anyway,here is what this old man has to report on starting dbol and sustanon together at the same time: 1st 3 weeks, no result. After week 6 and increasing the dbol I gained 10 pounds(so Im not sure if it was time and/or the increased dosage that did it. So already Im missing information I need but hopefully in subsequent cycles, I will learn by trial and error.)
After 2 more weeks I gain another 5 pounds putting me at my highest weight ever which is 185. I then crashed into a wall, psychological I think as I didnt see much of the gain as muscle, yet my stomach didnt get bigger so i got depressed ,stopped the dbol and took a week off. That week turned into 2 weeks and Im now at 181 or 182. I was also disapoointed my sex drive didnt go thru the roof like when I was 22 on deca and just 1cc enanthate weekly! , in fact I got maybe 10% hornier. Im pleased to report that tonight when having sex with 75mg viagra in me, I had the best orgasm Ive had in 10 years in both hardness and volume of "juice." Sweet. But too bad the AS alone didnt do this like when I was 22. I have also cut out the dbol at the 8th week and just used the Sustanon (sust), and 4 days ago I added in TREN A 75ml eod,(on a whim) which my body couldnt handle as I was on the toilet 1/2 the night and hardly slept. I recently just added in Proviron as my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as I have no sides at all, and am hoping it will take away some of my water weight gain and cut me up a bit more. My carb level is at 150gms per day and every time,even when in my 20's I try to go under that, I cant sleep well, and now at my age I cant crap with less than 30 gms of fiber in my diet so 150 gma of carbs is a must. Thinking of following 1 posters advice and cutting out carbs after 2:30pm and see what happens.
I met Bob Paris by accident on vacation one day and he tyold me that since carbs are protein sparing if you cuy the good ones you will stop gaining muscle. Its been 20 yrs since I saw him, the verdict is still out! -)
Also, those who say that dbol today has to be fake because the original co. was bought out, I say, so what? Havent we all heard of Ben and Jerrys Icecream? Most popular ic in the states. When they got bought out ,the ingredienst didnt change one bit, notr did the carton packaging, and by now, everyone probably forgot they ever got bought which is how Permalot(the buyer) wants it! Brand recognition keeps sales up,right?
So the bottom line is: Will a testosterone only cycle be just as effective as a dbol and testosterone cycle? And would the answer be for both beginners and advanced alike?