Opinions wanted on this blood work please


New member
Hey, first post. I've been reading and searching for quite sometime. I'm 36. I'm 178 at right aroun 16% BF. Not guessing either. Had it checked at air displacement "Bod pod" at a local university. I eat mostly chicken and turkey with vegetables and protein shakes. I do oatmeal and sweet potatoes for my complex carbs. Not saying my diet is that of perfection, but I try to count the cals each day and at least do 1.5 protein to my body weight.

Supplement history is simple. I've only taken Havoc\epistane 3 times. I've always thought I had high estrogen. When I was 135 coming out of basica training, I had abs and still had pubescent gyno on my chest. So, I tried Havoc to help with setting personal goals in the gym and to help boost my test levels. The results of course were awesome. Each PCT, I used Nolva. In this last summer, I had my levels checked. My test was 329. The general physician said my levels were fine. We know this is total crap, so I waited 6 months to get to see the only endo doc in town. While waiting, I did another round of Havoc with no issues. Where I think I messed up is I took Tribulus, Post Cycle Support, and DAA after Nolva. I think this was too much. As soon as I stopped, I got hard lumps under my nipples. They hurt. Well, they're still here. I had my first Endo appointment on Jan 28. They did my bloodwork. Test was up to 459 this time, but E2 was high.

So, he had me retest. As of 2/11/2013 my numbers are as follows.

E2 46.6 pg/mL Normal range 7.6-42.6
Free Test 7.9 pg/mL Normal range 8.7-25.1
Test 458 ng.dL
hcg <1 mIU/mL
LH 3.2 mlu/ML
FSH 2.3 mlu/Ml
TSH 1.18 ulu/Ml

So, my symptoms are as follows. Rarely morning wood any longer. No libido at all. Decent erections, but not like the old days. I should be much leaner than I am. My diet is strict, I lift hard and push myself. Yet, I feel like crap and don't progress. I'm only holding pat and that's starting to fade.

I believe my test has always been somewhat low and my estrogen has always been high. I understand the rebound effect of Havoc killing all estrogen. But, the last havoc was in October. I should be fine by now.

My question is can I do something to fix this T to E ratio or do I need TRT? My endo is taking his sweet ass time getting back to me and I'm sick of my nipples aching and the knots underneath growing.

Thank you for any advice!
Spoke briefly with the nurse today. They're sending a letter, but according to her the doc only saw some minor abnormalities. So, apparently, 450 is a great test number and high estrogen is okay. What a waste of money trying to get this fixed. Oh, and apparently all gyno goes away on it's own. What a joke.
Update. I took Nolva for 4 weeks and repeated my PCT from December and the gyno went away. 2 weeks later and it's back. Based on my numbers, what do I need to do to get rid of this gyno for good? My worthless endo doc said see you in 6 months. So, I unfortunately have to do this on my own. Thanks!