Optimum Pharma

Thats a little too much info to be giving out. Just trust that theyre highly repped here and if you order from them, youll more than likely be satisfied
to much info? I got most of my info on them from post on this forum. I was just asking if anyone had any problems with shipping and the quality. I was putting up sources
You need to take out the location you put. The gear has a good rep around here. Nobody is going to tell you how it was packaged and how long the shipping takes, not only is it against the rules it's just plain stupid.
You need to take out the location you put. The gear has a good rep around here. Nobody is going to tell you how it was packaged and how long the shipping takes, not only is it against the rules it's just plain stupid.

Ok I did not know that but thank you
Yeah...its not like Bush Senior Took AAS from legal level of weed to that of heroin or crack...fucker....targeting 30yo+ educated fully employeed suburbanites.
I can answer your questions , just dont put too much info around
When you will receive your PM rights will be much easier though
But i can assure you Optimum Pharma gear is good quality , users can confirm that for you
^^ Very Soon, we are all waiting for OP brand HGH , i will announce officially.
Will be very good high quality HGH , i also decided to use it
I've used OP and have no complaints. They are not domestic so shipping and customs are a concern, but you will always receive what you ordered even if they have to reship

There have been threads discussing pip, but I've pinned 750 mg at one time in one place with very little discomfort. All enanthate esters but very little pip

Quality is par with most reputable ugl.
Can't wait for their Hgh is come online as well as some other orals they are lacking
Ive pinned OP test prop once in each quad so far and the pip is UNBEARABLE!!!
Just kidding!.. It's smooth and almost no pip. No more than say...pinn had. Oil was very thin. Makes is very easy going in and shipping and packaging was top notch. Customer service still impresses me.
The thinner oil allows much more ease when using 25g pins. In use 23g and it goes quick.
You will be very pleased. Have u even looked at the doc!?