oral anaVar stomach pains


New member
did lots of research on taking oral var

my diets clean , im 13 % bf , 40 years old , weight 200 lbs , 6 ft tall

im doing 50mg daily , i tried doing 25 in the morning 25 in the afternoon with food , or 50 mg in morning with food

but im constantly having stomach pain , im 2.5 weeks in to the cycle

i dont really want to stop , im having gains nothing massive but ok , lifting heavier last few days etc..

but im not sure its worth the pain over the benefits thought it might be gone by now any thoughts or recommendations

tried tums and omeprazole ( for gastric pain ) didnt do much

i like the way it supresses appertite as well

need some advice please
Drop the var and learn how to cycle properly for starters. Do yourself a huge favor and read the stickies at the top of this forum so you understand where I'm coming from by saying this.

FYI: While anavar is known to create pumps that are quite painful, it is also often faked with something else. I can think of a few other drugs off the top of my head that can cause stomach distress, and are often swapped in for var.
I can tell you I did not get the appetite suppression or the stomaching from VAR. I did get some night sweats and insomnia however