Oral dosages???


On Vacation
When taking liquid Dbol solution, do I need to worry about losing any mg strength due to its nature of administration? I mean, do I need to take more than say 40mg/day to get a true 40mg/day or is it just like taking a Dbol tab?
Same shit, different pile

a 40mg/ml solution has 40mg of Dbol
a 40mg tab has 40mg of Dbol (plus some binders and shit to keep the tab together)
So by saying that I shouldn't lose any mg strength then when drinking it then. I guess I just remember someone saying that if you drink Winstrol (winny) than you should drink 100mg as opposed to 50mg b/c you will lose some in the process. Does that make sense?
They were comparing Winstrol (winny) via injection to Winstrol (winny) via oral.

Some people think that you lose some strength with oral vs injectable. It has nothing to do with liquid Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) vs Tab AAS.

If you want to increase the absorption of you Dbol you can always drink it with some grapefruit juice.