Oral Primo Acetate with distilled WATER?


I am banned!
Let me throw something at y'all for my chemistry-ignorant ass!! LOL

Oral Primo Acetate:

I want to make an oral concoction (liquid---not tabs) Primo Acetate
@ 100 mg/ml. I don't want to dick with the caps-making-process....seems obnoxiously tedious.

I DESPISE the taste of that Grain Alcohol and Ever Clear (not to mention can't get it in my state)....so.....here's my question:

In theory.....couldn't I just mix the primo powder into distilled water and shake the HELL out of it (maybe run in under some HOT water too) every time I injest a dose!?!?!

Sure it won't be perfect dosing every time (+/- 3 mg difference.......just guessing). Not really worried about it if that's the case b/c I plan to consume 200 mg/day so the +/- 3 mg's here and there won't be a significant overall change with respect to attempting to maintain stable blood levels of Primo.
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Already got some solid responses from ID50 & DougoeFre5h (thanks fellas!!)

I have not done this, but you can make it work. You will need to have ps80 to keep the hormone form clumping. The only thing I would do to improve the suspension is make it a 50/50 ratio of water and glycerin. this would keep the hormone suspended longer, making it easier to accurately dose.

Primo is pricey, so try it with 1 gram first, then let me know how it turns out.


In theory, you could. Ive never worked with primo acetate, nor do I know anyone who has so this would definatly be a first. I can tell you that with oral delivery, all you need to do is get a semi-accurate dose into your stomach. Most will use EC because its cheap and will put many things into solution (not suspension....hence no shaking or misdosing). Peg will do the same, but tastes so bad its not worth it. You could make it in oil with traditional solvents but it would still leave your tounge numb from the ba/bb. So now we have distilled water...The only 2 problems I can think of off the bat will be that (a) it might clump up, and (b) it might settle too fast, which makes dosing more like a guessing game. I say go for it, and if it clumps up you can always add a dash of polysorbate80, which is a food additive called a surfactant. I think it would solve that problem for ya.

One last thing...with oral suspensions NEVER heat it past its melthing point unless your damn sure itl stay in solution. If it wont, it WILL crash only this time it will crystalize like rock candy, stick to the sides of the vial and youll need to heat every single time, which takes 10 minutes min.
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why not make it with the Winstrol (winny) formula (skip the filtering) . itll be a nice suspension in water. if the taste is a deterant maybe you should take up golf instead. most short esters go OK in water. no polysorbate needed.

1g primo
2.5ml peg
.5ml ba
heat til it clears then add water, app 6.5ml. this will yield 10ml of 100mg/ml suspension.

i would definatley try a small batch first.

or you could just put it in oil and heat it back to solution everytime before dosing. take about a minute on the eye of an electric stove or hot plate.
Lat question before I try this:

I plan to use Distilled water and ps80 ONLY. HOW much ps80 do I even begin with? I have no experience with this stuff so I have no clue as to the amount to start out.

20 grams of Primo Acetate
@ 100 mg/ml = 200 ml's of Distilled water needed.(or should i add more!?!?!)

How much p80?

I suggest trying out 1g before you dump the whole lot. Also, dont use ps80 unless you need it. If you do, add a few drops and stir, keep doing this until you get the desired result (you might not need it, I didnt need it with Winstrol (winny) when we all thought we did). If you add too much youll get a foamy mess.
Drveejay11 said:
Lat question before I try this:

I plan to use Distilled water and ps80 ONLY. HOW much ps80 do I even begin with? I have no experience with this stuff so I have no clue as to the amount to start out.

20 grams of Primo Acetate
@ 100 mg/ml = 200 ml's of Distilled water needed.(or should i add more!?!?!)

How much p80?


you only gonna need about 185 ml of water. i agree with doug, start with a g batch first and see how it does. you may end up with a 20g big fucking mess.

if the water dont work the way ytou gonmna do it try the oil method. even if it crashes (which it prolly will) you can heat back to solution each time no prob. takes a minute or two.