Orbit Nutrition Stack


New member
1-T MUSCLE STACK ... This is on the front of Orbitnutrition.com. What are people's idea's on this stack?
can you recommend something i will not need a serm for. i have done h drol, 3 ad, mass fx, hyperdrol x2. i have no access to a serm. i would imagine havoc needs a serm. i am new to this board but not pro's. was going to try spawn but. serm serm serm. thanks for your time.
Havoc is very mild and you would be able to get away with sustain alpha and myodrol for your post cycle therapy (pct). If it was anything more potent than yes a serm.
1-2 havoc depending if you want to run 20mg ed if you want to run 30 or 40 then you need 2 bottles. the others just 1 of each.
So besides the other supps. Can someone design the usage for Havoc for me. Possibly how many tabs a day, and when. This sounds like a good cycle, and I want to do it..
week 1 2 caps everyday 1 am 1 pm
week 2-3 3 caps everyday 1 am 1midday 1 pm
week 4 4 caps ed

or just go with week 1-4 3 caps ed spread out evenly through out the day.
It is really a very good product by orbit. It is most popular among the users. It provide enough nutrition required. It provides instant results.