ostarine and igf-1 lr3 bridge?


New member
ok so i finished up my first cycle test cyp 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. pct was torem 120/90/60/30 and nolva 20/20/20/20. Recovered fine. kept 15 out of the 23 lbs. I am now 1 1/2 months out of pct with about two months before i start my next lean bulker with test e 600/wk and tbol 60mg/day. My question......I want to drop some bf but maintain my muscle before going on my next cycle so would it be a good idea to get on some osta at 15mg/day for 6 weeks alongside igf-1 lr3 60mcg/day? I know osta is somewhat supressive but i also know that igf-1 makes you more sensitive to lh (leutinizing hormone) helping you recover quicker from cycles so would that possibly counteract any suppression from osta? If i do this i will wait another 3-4 weeks after to start my actual cycle. any thought on this? i hope this is the appropriate forum category for this topic.
Ok thanks. As far as the suppression, do you think the igf will combat it? Also should I
Bridge the osta right up to my cycle or stop and do a mini pct before starting the gear?
also...could it possibly make my aas cycle less effective due to my receptors already being exposed to anabolics and not being "fresh" if you will?
Thank you. And it will not reduce the effectiveness of my cycle or make it harder to recover if I run it right up to starting my aas cycle?
ok well i now have a whole new issue. just got bloods done and 2 months out of pct my total serum testosterone is 299. LH and FSH are within the normal range 4.8 and 4.0 respectively. Estradiol 18.7. I dont think osta is a good idea right now. In my pct i ran torem 120/90/60/30 and nolva 20/20/20/20 along with osta 25mg/day then continued it 4 weeks after pct t 15mg/day. Im about 1 1/2 months off the osta but i'm thinking that the osta hindered my recovery. I've read mixed reviews on osta during pct. some recovered fine and some didnt. i feel fine but the bloods don't lie. body weight is still close to what it was on cycle with slightly more fat but strength has stayed pretty consistent since pct. Started DAA this morning and ordered two bottles of n2bm bridge and will be taking tribulus and horny goat weed as well. Will get bloods done in about six weeks. how does that sound? or should i get on a serm? i have nolva on hand, hcg and adex, should i stick with the natty boosters or use the heavier stuff?