Ostarine- bone growth?


New member
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knew about this?, when i was reading into Ostarine, apparently it effects bone growth as well, and in short term studies had no apparent effect on bone mineral density, and bone turnover markers results were mixed. In preclinical in vitro and in vivo models, ostarine demonstrated both anabolic and antiresorptive activity on bone, anyway if anyone knows more that would be helpful, Would taking a product that results in Bone growth, have any serious repercussions towards one health?
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knew about this?, when i was reading into Ostarine, apparently it effects bone growth as well, and in short term studies had no apparent effect on bone mineral density, and bone turnover markers results were mixed. In preclinical in vitro and in vivo models, ostarine demonstrated both anabolic and antiresorptive activity on bone, anyway if anyone knows more that would be helpful, Would taking a product that results in Bone growth, have any serious repercussions towards one health?

One rule of biology. The ULTIMATE rule of biology. Anything can go completely wrong (or right) at any given time. Every one is different on a physiological level. And I doubt any of us have our genome coded and marked so we even know what our genes say about us. So all of us are in the dark every time we ingest/inject something for the first time.

A simple antibiotic injection can cause death.

We all take educated risks with the items we use, from SARMs to PH/DS, to injectable AAS, to Peptides.

Many of the newer items we do not know how it will effect someone 10-20 years down the road because its only been around a year or two, or less.

One of the tiny risks of something like a SARM (say S4) is gene transcription. Sure may only happen to 10 guys out of 100,000 or some other large number. But it would sure suck to be one of those 10 guys.

Our bodies are not set machines with mechanized parts, they are biological organisms filled with billions of living cells/bacteria/etc functioning both individually and together.

But so far, Ostarine has been getting great feedback. Bone growth wise I suspect is it may enhance something along the lines of the speed at which a fracture can heal, or during growing phases of the body it may enhance the effects slightly. Long term side effects? We wont know until these users have reached long term status, say in 10 years after use. Of course most people who use Ostarine also used a plethora of other items so it may not be narrowed down till 20 years down the road.
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