Ostarine cycle!!! Trouble in PCT!! Please Help needed!!!


New member
Hi guys, some help needed.

I did ostarine for 5 weeks, after stropping, I felt low libido and hard to get erections and low ejacularion volume.
Started tribulus and ZMA, libido and erections return great but low ejaculation volume continued.

I decide to do a PCT, clomid and nolva, after 2 days libido and erections killed completly, stop the clomid and keep the nolva 40/40/20/20, feel great everything return to normal.
In the end of nolva, notice again decrease in libido and erections, some liquid coming off my nipples. After 2 months libido and erections are not normal, lower than my usual.
What happened?
Estrogen rebound?
I was not supressed in the first place and nolva supressed me because of elevate my estrogen levels?
What can i do???

Bloodwork is almost ready.

Thank You
Hi guys, some help needed.

I did ostarine for 5 weeks, after stropping, I felt low libido and hard to get erections and low ejacularion volume.
Started tribulus and ZMA, libido and erections return great but low ejaculation volume continued.

I decide to do a PCT, clomid and nolva, after 2 days libido and erections killed completly, stop the clomid and keep the nolva 40/40/20/20, feel great everything return to normal.
In the end of nolva, notice again decrease in libido and erections, some liquid coming off my nipples. After 2 months libido and erections are not normal, lower than my usual.
What happened?
Estrogen rebound?
I was not supressed in the first place and nolva supressed me because of elevate my estrogen levels?
What can i do???

Bloodwork is almost ready.

Thank You

I would have stuck with clomid and dropped nolva if I had to choose one. low sex drive can result from low estrogen, and so can low semen production. You need a little of both. Clomid is great for this because it is a weak estrogen agonist which does enough to help the testes regenerate.
I used tamox before, in tbol cycle pct's and always work great. Thats why I stopped clomid and kept tamox. I think tamox and clomid was too much for thi pct.
I'm on both right now. Had some raging sex the other night, too. You might just need to finish out your pct and take longer natty recovery after that before your next cycle. Tamox is mostly for recucing estrogenic effects of steroids eg. gyno
I've finished the 4weeks of post cycle therapy (pct). But I felt a crash/ rebound after that. Probably I was not that supressed and by estrogen spiked, and that could make me supressed.
I think that was the case, because of syntoms, not gyno but liquid in the nipples maybe prolactin raised too. Waiting for bloodwork is killing me.
Good luck in your pct.
Bloodwork ready.

T4 - 139nmol/L (58-141)
T3 - 1.80nmol/L (0,92-2,79)
Fsh - 3.8 mUI/ml (1.4-18.1)
Lh - 2.8 mUI/ml (0,8-7,6)
Estradiol (E2) - 28pg/ml (<56)
Prolactin - 10,4ng/ml (2,5-17.0)
Total testosterone - 4610ng/ml (1600-7260)
Free testosterone - 16 pg/ml (7,20-20,00)

The values are all in range, but libido still low and erctions still hard to get.

Any thoghts???

Thank You