Ostarine (MK-2866) use in PCT


New member
Many people have used Ostarine as a part of their post cycle therapy (pct) in order to help keep gains and even make new ones during this time of recovery. After doing some research in the past few months, it seems that Ostarine can actually be somewhat suppressive (even though minimally) at moderate doses and moderate cycle lengths. I'm looking for input and opinions on what everyone thinks about this and how/if you would incorporate Osta into your post cycle therapy (pct) regiment. I have a post cycle therapy (pct) coming up in a few weeks that I will be using some Ostarine in, and I'm considering some different options to how I'm going to do this. The question is does Ostarine affect recovery of the HPTA any, and if it does how do you address it? My last cycle I decided to go with a tapering up of Ostarine, and that is what I am leaning towards again. I started the first week of post cycle therapy (pct) at just 6mg of Ostarine and ran that for the first 2 weeks bfore going to 12mg for the rest of post cycle therapy (pct). I have just started at 12mg in previous cycles and ran that the whole time.

What do you guys think?

From what I've heard from more advanced members is to wait until after a month of PCT, nolva/clomid before starting Ostar because of it being somewhat suppressive. So that's what I'm going to do. Although I can't wait to start using it to see how it is. As for your other questions, I'm sure others will chime in soon.
giving this a healthy bump.for more answers.

my rats used the s4 from uniquemicals and showed no signs of suppression and even at times actually had a boost in that department.

I still think its user and dose dependent but thats just my own thoughts.
I used it as a part of a post cycle therapy (pct)/bridge. didn't really see gains from it but didn't lose anything really either. did wonders for my joints and nothing noticeable to sex drive. of course this doesn't mean no suppression, but that being said i will probably run it in my next post cycle therapy (pct) at the end of my current hdrol run.
I think I would rather use the above posters UGG boots during post cycle therapy (pct) than ostarine :P
I used it as a part of a pct/bridge. didn't really see gains from it but didn't lose anything really either. did wonders for my joints and nothing noticeable to sex drive. of course this doesn't mean no suppression, but that being said i will probably run it in my next pct at the end of my current hdrol run.

sounds like it went pretty well.what brand did you use?
I was told to not use s4 during pct and wait a while after a cycle to use it. But i don't know what to think cause some people show signs of it and some people like mich don't. Same thing with osta...some don't use during pct and some do. I guess if somebody used it during pct and got blood work afterward then it would show if it was okay or not.