Ostarine Results


New member
How I dosed it

Weeks 1-5: 15 mg/day
Week 6: 20 mg/day
Weeks 7-9: 30 mg/day

At this point I'm going to taper off of it. It is said that Ostarine is suppressive (the extent of which is argued), but does not shut you down. So I figure by backing off I will allow my natural production to rebound while I phase out the Ostarine.


Let's just say it was from a unique company.

Anabolic history


Goals & why I chose to run Ostarine

I train for strength while trying to stay somewhat lean. I plan to use anabolics in the near future, but I had some goals I wanted to accomplish before doing so. However, I felt like I needed a boost, something that would put me at a step above drug free. I had some nagging injuries that just weren't healing, namely my shoulder and hamstring. Furthermore, I got some blood work done and my test came back on the lower end while my estradiol came back a little high (see next section). I was frustrated and felt that I needed something to help me out. I wasn't ready to start steroids, so Ostarine seemed like a good fit.

S4 sounded cool, but given the vision sides and risk of gene transcription stuff, I didn't feel the benefits were worth the risks.

What I ran with Ostarine & why

Aromasin: 12.5 mg/day

I ran this mainly because I got some blood work done prior to starting Ostarine and my E2 was high while my test was a little low. Plus, I figured that this could help offset any supression caused by the Ostarine.


Here are some things I noticed. I can't definitively say that these were due to the Ostarine as opposed to smarter training, weight gain, etc. I do think the Ostarine helped, but I expect much more noticeable results from "real" anabolics.

In 9 weeks...
- my weight went from about 222 to 232 (not all of it muscle)
- I put about 20 lbs on my raw bench: 375 to 395
- my shoulder hasn't bugged me at all (could also be due to changing my bench grip)
- my hamstring has only bugged me a little bit; before Ostarine it was hurting my squat and killing my deadlift
- my squat and deadlift are up, but I don't have exact starting or ending numbers to give
- although this is very subjective, it felt like it was easier to put on weight


No noticeable sides. I didn't have any blood work done to check lipids or suppression, which some people have reported from Ostarine.

If I use it again...

Although others have said that they do fine on 12.5 or 15 mg/day, I felt that I had better results on 30 mg/day. Thus, if I run it again, I'd run 30 mg/day for 6 weeks or so.

Also, I would probably purchase capsules from (figure it out) instead of a liquid. I don't mind the taste, it's just that the capsules are cheaper. I went with liquid this time because I wanted to be able to control my dose more easily, but now that I know how much I'd use there's no reason not to get the capsules.

In summary

If you're looking to go "a step above natural" but aren't ready or willing to take steroids, then I think Ostarine is a good option. However, based on the results I got with Ostarine vs. the results I've seen others achieve with steroids, I don't think there is any comparison.

Any questions, feel free to ask!
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Great log

Good log, I've been looking for a detailed one of Osta for awhile but haven't seen any. Looks like some good results. Any negative sides like shaky hands, trembling, increase/decrease in libido, etc.????
Good log, I've been looking for a detailed one of Osta for awhile but haven't seen any. Looks like some good results. Any negative sides like shaky hands, trembling, increase/decrease in libido, etc.????

No shaky hands or trembling (I haven't heard of either of those being side effects of Ostarine). No change in libido. Also, while this is no substitute for blood work, I didn't experience any symptoms that would suggest my test level had been lowered.
Glad you got good results. Its good to see reviews on this, I have read as many as I can find because I like the idea of it.

If I did not have some current health issues I would give it a shot myself.:bawling:
This got to be the greatest review I've ever seen on Osta! Thanks for sharing experience bud.

BTW did you notice any difference in the libido while researching with osta and after the research was done?
nope, mines high and stayed high.

should say I was doing 25mg/day, stacked with 50mg/day of S4.
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I posted this in another thread, and still wondering. I noticed the Osta from SS is 30ml 25mg/ml at at $150 and the Uniquemicals is 30ml 50mg ml at $100 any ideas why? Is one that much better than the other?
Iv'e asked this question here and I'm preparing to ask UC about it, I have a feeling that UC gets their SARMS from China, in which case I won't touch it. I KNOW that RUI had S$ at $149-199 at 30mg/ml and it was made in the US. I have to assume that SS is as well as I'm using it right now and it's pretty potent.

UC's pricing is so far out of wack, I've either been ripped off for the last 9 months or UC is getting a substantially cheaper product.. and in bio chem, cheaper means lower quality. This is all supposition on my part however, if you want to ask UC as well then we should get an answer.. or not.

I posted this in another thread, and still wondering. I noticed the Osta from SS is 30ml 25mg/ml at at $150 and the Uniquemicals is 30ml 50mg ml at $100 any ideas why? Is one that much better than the other?
I thought the same thing, you get what you pay for. Got my Osta from SS two weeks ago, I'll have a log after I run it. I will say I haven't noticed a whole lot other than a very short temper in the last two days. From what I've read, it seems to start working around the third week. I've also noticed the past few days my brain seems to take over the workout after my muscles are spent. It's a bit strange.
huh , I've never had the temper, but that's more then likely personality based rather then universal. Osta is slower to get into the system, I don't know any log and any report of yellow eyes from Osta either. The brain taking over could be you experiencing a 'focused' workout; where you get into a zone and just keep lifting, I had that happen to me in a triceps workout, did almost 45% my normal weight.. just kept going up and up, great but weird at the same time.
20lbs on raw bench? WOW! Man that's one hell of a result. I need to start researching with this thing again.

Thanks for the review bud