Ostarine sides? Headaches lethargic?


New member
Hi guys I was wondering you guys that have ran ostarine who had headaches and if so how long was it before they went away?? Also how long before the lethargic feelings went away and last how long till you felt the since of well being??
I never had a single headache. Never felt lethargic. The only sides I ever had were my joints felt better, muscle growth and leaning. I know this didn't answer your question, but not everyone has negative sides. With a dose exceeding 100mg a day a had a slight night vision darkening that's it. Most people can have ridiculously great results at around 75mg ed. Are you running some now or about to purchase?
Ahh i apologize although I keep the same exact answer excluding night vision sides. I couldn't tell i was running anything. The only difference i noticed was i was slowly adding muscle every week.
I also experience dull headaches on ostarine. Nothing bad really, just a minor dull ache on occasion. It always goes away on its own. I checked my bp and it was perfect so it's not a bp issue. Try drinking more water, I noticed I have to consume more liquids on osta or i get dry mouth. I would assume that's what is causing the headaches as well. Just stay hydrated!

As far as well being, there aren't really any "mood enhancing" effects because it's not a hormone. You won't feel any different mentally. You will just notice some nice lean gains in muscle and strength.