

New member
Hey guys.
I'm new here and I have a couple of questions.
I have recently ordered Ostarine and want to know if the product is safe to take. I'm a soccer player and I have a big issue with training to much and to hard, so I get overtrained all the time. My levels of s-testerosterone were down to 5.9,s-shgb 37,s-ft3 2,7, b-hemoglobin 13.3 etc.. I bought Ostarine because I want my body to get over the overtraining, help me with a bad knee and ancle,get stronger,faster and help me recover faster so I can be a better soccer player. I train alot in the gym and lift for example 260kg in the deadlift.
I don't think I will take some more heavy stuff, I'm afraid that will shut down my system of testo and I don't wanna get caught in a drugtest.

Will it be benificial for me to take Ostarine with hgh and how much should I take of the them?
Or should I take Ostarine with something else? I have got some feedback about Ostarine that it won't be beneficial for my soccer because it will lead to bone growth and actually lead to loss of mobility. Is that true?

When I feel that i have enough info I will start a log here and let you guys know how it goes.

Hope someone can please help me and give me some advice.I would really appreciate that. The only thing I want in this world is to be a pro soccer player, but my body want let me.
A lot of logs and reviews are available on the net.
As far as my experience is concerned, I may be Ostarine resistant, or sort of...

I tried it 2 times. First time with 15mg/day and second time with 25mg/day during 6 weeks.
Blood test done and no suppression at all but absolutely no positive or negative effects!
No headaches, no strength increase, no muscle growing...

So 2 bad exp for me. I will try next time with another supplier to give à chance to this new and attracting product
I have already ordered a bottle of Ostarine. My concern of losing mobility because of bone growth from Ostarine is a problem. What do you guys think? Will Ostarine be the best PED for me wanting to be a better pro soccer player? I
I have already ordered a bottle of Ostarine. My concern of losing mobility because of bone growth from Ostarine is a problem. What do you guys think? Will Ostarine be the best PED for me wanting to be a better pro soccer player? I

No opinions or advices? I would really appreciate some help
It's technically an ostarine clone because real ostarine isn't FDA approved..nor has the structure been released. Just certain steps to synthesize parts of it. Good luck
It's technically an ostarine clone because real ostarine isn't FDA approved..nor has the structure been released. Just certain steps to synthesize parts of it. Good luck

So you are saying you wouldn't take it?
Is there some other gears someone will recommend for me?
Peds with least side effects.
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I actually received a mail earlier this day. I got it from sarmsinfo,and I wonder what you guys think about the email.

Hi there,

Ostarine at 25mg per day will certainly have a noticeable anabolic effect and can be used at this dose for 6-8 weeks without many of the associated side effects of other anabolics.
Of course if you are familiar with HGH use, Ostarine can be stacked alongside this to make a very productive cycle without a large amount of suppression.
In fact Ostarine can be stacked alongside most things, however it would not be best advised to stack it alongside another anabolic steroid as you would effectively be wasting the positive effects of Ostarine (lack of sides and selectivity to muscle and bone androgen receptors).
In terms of sports, Ostaine will again help with the power, strength and recovery aspect.
If however you were looking at gaining an increase in endurance, than GW-501516 has been proven to enhance endurance at a dose of 5-10mg per day.
I hope this helps.
Okey, I think I will go with heavier stuff than Ostarine. I've read alot about Anavar stacked with Equipoise and Testo and think it will fit my goals very good.
Any advices about how much I should take and for how long time?
I really appreciate replies.