Outer lower chest


New member
the lower part of my tie-in's isn't developing very good and i have tried decline flys. Are there any other exercises that emphaize on that area
Dips should help a little, even though they recruit a lot of upper chest too, but other than that, I dunno since you've already done decline stuff.
tough to iso one area of the pec since it is basically one muscle. kinda like the ab. but theoretically wider movements tend to lean towards the outer edges as would closer grip stuff the inner area. wide grip decline presses is as close as you gonna come to iso the area. but dont get your hopes up too high. just develop the whole chest and all will grow.

good luck
your loss. declines are a great movement. similar to dips. a medium grip decline is one of the best movements for adding size to the tris.

i have had trainees get stuck on the bench and we would drop flat bench and do declines for a month. a month later they would smoke a previous sticking point on flat bench.

most folks can decline more than they flat bench so you get used to the heavier weight.

"contempt prior to investigation can never fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance".
i just think declines are more for your ego than your muscles. i have seen guys who can barely bench 150 get on the decline and push 225 or more. then they strut their stuff like they are king shit. not saying everybody is like that, its just that you can do quite a bit more weight. and too much delts in it also. just my 2 cents, if it does something for you, then go for it
585 bench here, 805 squat and a 675 dead. something worked. heavy weight builds muscle so why not do movements that allow more weight to be moved.