Over 3500 calories weight loss


Im 172 height and now weight 74kg. I normally weight around 76kg.
My calorie intake is more than 3500.
220g+ protein
400+ carbs
Im at the end of my cycle Test Prop 450mg weekly.
I take ispaghula husk for better bowel.

Still i dont gain wight but lose weight.
Im really lost. If someone might have any explanation i would appreciate it.
I can eat a really big meal and after 30 min i can really be very hungry.

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Training is going really well i train 4 times a week at least 1 hour and 15 min each time. I have a lot work these past weeks, i work as a plumper so its physical-job also. I started taking MSM last week because of the pain in the muscles and joints, can it be the MSM? But even before i was losing fat and gained muscles but without gaining weight, is it normal to not gain weight while in-taking so many calories?
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Training is going really well i train 4 times a week at least 1 hour and 15 min each time. I have a lot work these past weeks, i work as a plumper so its physical-job also. I started taking MSM last week because of the pain in the muscles and joints, can it be the MSM? But even before i was losing fat and gained muscles but without gaining weight, is it normal to not gain weight while in-taking so many calories?
no its not the MSM, MSM is basically aspirin. BUT it will make your hair grow faster. so you have that going for you. :)
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It has been over 100 years since the discovery by Magnus-Levy that thyroid hormones play a central role in energy homeostasis, and 75 years since the hormones were first used for weight loss. Despite this great length of time, the precise mechanisms by which thyroid hormones exert their calorigenic effect are not completely characterized, and still actively debated. Despite numerous clinical studies having shown that the administration of thyroid hormone induces weight loss, it is not currently indicated as a weight loss agent. This is probably due to the number of side effects observed during thyroid hormone use at the relatively high doses used in the majority of obesity treatment studies. These deleterious effects include cardiac problems such as tachycardia and atrial arrhythmias, loss of muscle mass as well as fat, increased bone resorption and muscle weakness. Nevertheless, thyroid hormones, particularly triiodothyronine (T3) are a mainstay in the arsenal of drugs used by bodybuilders for fat loss. The widespread underground use of T3 warrants an understanding of its mechanism of action, as well as a knowledge of how it is most effectively and safely used, with an eye to minimizing side effects.
How much fat?

Are you counting protien in calories?

I was about 160lbs, 200mg wk test cyp eating 3500 a day with a three day a week push/pull/legs and gained weight.

Self experimentation. I personally feel better and have better digestion with a higher fat diet.

Add a peanut butter sandwich with about 3 servings of PB with a glass of whole milk to your diet per day.

I'm like 177 and about 79kg ad need aroind 3k to maintain size. I was smaller when I worked at about 71kg and ate about 4k building houses 40-60 hours a week.

Sure the gear was good? Did you lose body fat and now have more definition?

Did your lifts go up?
Yes the gear was real.
My whole body changed my physic is really good for a first test cycle. But i haven't gained weight I've only lost fat and gained muscles without gaining weight.
I benchpress 75kg-> 97,5kg 5/5/5/5/5
Squad 107,5kg ->140kg 8/10/10/12/12
Overheadpress 45kg-> 57,5kg 5/5/5/5/5

110g fats
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I'd say you ate enough to see results but not necessarily gain a lot. In a way you've done what a lot of people try and that's lose fat while gaining mass hopefully. I'd say if your PCT, training and diet all work out you will be bigger and have put on actual mass.

Best advice I've read is continue to eat a lot, continue to train hard and dont worry about a little fat gain. If you/the cycle was successful you will have to eat more because you are bigger.
I went from a "normal" me which is like my avi but a little smaller. I had medication sides, lot T, developing gyno and wasnt eating amd was down to under 63kg and very little fat. I blew up with the test, sudden testosterone amd working out hard and I'm bigger. 200mg wk, ate more amd trained hard and I swear the shock and sudden training acted a little like a cycle, even at 200mg wk. Returning to a "normal" bodybgatvand lifestyle without lifting I am bigger and weight more.
Yes i have to step up the calories im starting pct on wednesday. Next cycle is planned for april with Test E and maybe Var or Winny as second cycle. Test P was a bit harsh for First cycle as pinning is not my favorite thing to do 3-4 times a week.
Here are the easiest ways to lose weight in a natural way:
  • Drink more water
  • Eat a lot of protein
  • Cut that type of foods which have more calories and fat
  • Don’t eat junk food
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Walk 30-minutes a day