Over weight???


New member
hey guys I need some good advice on trying to get back on track. My wife recently had a baby and the whole time she was preganant I completly abandonded the gym and a diet. i am currently 210 lbs. 5-9 and not motivated. should I inquire on getting some gear right now or begin some kind of a regimine before i do that? I really need a kick start please bing on the comments..... Thanks guys
what you need to do is read the cutting primer,get back in the gym, and start eating healthy again. if you had a formula that worked for you go back to it.

wait with gear no need t do if your not eating or training right first.
Dont even consider gear if you cant motivate yourself what would be the point in shooting your main focus at the moment is motivation try starting back with a light regime so your less likley to deter from the gym. A lot of guys tend to jump back in at the deep end with a hardcore training programme and diet which is sure to fail for most.

Pardon the pun but Baby steps is the way forward.

And congrats.
Congrat's on the new addition to your fam!! I'll ditto the above. Wait on the gear and build your diet and training base back up to par. Hold that for about 6-12 months or until you reach around 14% BF +/-. I firmly believe running gear now would only be a temp motivator and will actually discourage you in the long run. Running gear is not a good weight loss plan and makes it even more difficult to lose weight due to higher estrogen levels when running things like Test.