Overdid it on combating gyno


New member
Because 1. It's not working and 2. My energy and libido are down. I'm in week 10 of a 14 week test cycle. I've been taking adex eod. That wasn't doing it so I bumped it up to .5 ed. I threw in raloxifene and that didn't help. It more or less just stopped it from getting worse. Now I added aromasin last week but now I'm lethargic. What do you all recommend I take and at what dose to stop estrogen rebound but not have my evergy and libido so low? Should I drop the adex and stick with aromasin and ralo? Ralo has helped in the past but so far it's not doing the trick.

Drop the dex for a couple days, then resume with an appropriate dose of aromasin (or any AI.) Aroma is a bit harder to crush your e2 with.
Did you get bloodwork to check e2?

Since being on trt I've had flare ups here and there had pea size painful lumps under nipples and had blood work several times to check e2 peak and trough and my e2 wasn't high.

I used rolax on different occasions and it definitley hel o ed. I also had a ultrasound done and it was not diagnosed as gyno but fibrous masses and dr explained to me that I could just be estrogen sensitive and any fluctuations in estrogen could cause them.

We'll they come and go and I deal with it.

Why I'm writing this Is cause I see so many guys here say they have gyno without actually being diagnosed with it and they chase there e2 like crazy and end up crashing it and then have do deal with that.

Maybe your in the same boat as me and will have to deal with it or just get the glands cut out and not have to worry about it.
Thanks. My cycle is 600mg test e for 14 weeks. I bulked for the last ten, now I am getting a good cut the last four. I've been taking .5 adex eod the first few weeks but added 60mg ralo in because gyno started to flare up and ralo has actually completely reduced it before. Right now I'm doing .5 adex, 60 ralo, and 12.5 aromasin ed and it is killing me.
No I guess I just based it being gyno off of what I've read. I can get it completely insensitive and no lump at all while off cycle. Tren did it bad to me so I hoped a test only cycle would be gentler on my nips ***55357;***56877;
Did you have prolactin issues with tren? Dud you have caber or prami when you used tren?

If your going to be in this game your going to have to be patient making changes get bloodwork verify things before jumping the gun and start a thread with questions about your issue.

I'm reluctantly learning ti be patient my self LOL.

Good luck :)
Nope no prolactin issues but i did have prami on hand just in case. It's hard to be patient when I feel like my girl wants to have sex but I have no desire!
I know. Even if you don't have much libido you should have some cialis on hand to make sure you can do the deed. RUI carries it. It's g2g works wonders :)