

Imagine no liberals
Just saw that it is now in stock at afstore. Has anybody had any experience with this?

I am going to order some

gumbo said:
Just saw that it is now in stock at afstore. Has anybody had any experience with this?

Have heard a lot of good things about this stuff but never had a chance to obtain it until now.Seems to have a lot of positive benefits.It is used quite a bit for people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the patients seem to respond pretty well to it.Will let you know how it works out.
From the AF store:

Oxytocin is a hormone (produced in the hypothalamus) that was discovered in the early 1900 by Sir Henry H. Dale. In medicine oxytocin is mainly known for speeding up the birthing process and promoting the expulsion of breast milk. But: oxytocin has more physiological roles than previously recognized.

Research has shown us that oxytocin has the ability to produce the effects we associate with the state of calm and interpersonal connection. The hormone plays a big role in social interaction, making people (and animals) trust each other more and weakening the natural urge to keep a distance.

For instance: In a 2005 study, administration of oxytocin was shown that in a risky investment game experimental subjects displayed a behavior what the researchers already prospected: a higher level of trust in each other. The same experiment with the subjects told that they were interacting with a computer showed no such reaction. This means, according to the scientists, that oxytocin was not a compound that is affecting the risk-aversion, but intensified the interpersonal trust. (Kosfeld 2005 in Nature)

Associated with these feelings of social trust and a calming sensation come a lot of benefits. Most people know that the heart rate, the blood pressure and the stress hormone levels go up when you experience fear, stress or anger. The opposite happens when you experience a calm sensation; the heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormone levels are lowered. This is exactly what happens when oxytocin is administered! Besides the calming sensation and a feeling of social trust oxytocin plays a role in the following physiological and behavioral processes.

Other physiological effects of oxytocin are;

- Reduced muscle tension
- Temporarily reduced appetite but increasing appetite with long term use
- Stimulates digestion on full stomach
- Increased urination (diuretic effect)
- Faster healing wounds and reduced inflammation
- Increase in growth hormone

Besides the positive physiological effects mentioned above oxytocin also has a positive effect on behavior;

- Stimulates mating
- More social contact between individuals
- Increased boldness and curiosity
- Sleep inducing effect (with high dosages)
- Diminished pain sensation
- Improved learning

200 Lasts 30 days Vanilla scented
Typical dosing is 1-2 spray on each side 3 times per day.

I ordered some just to see what it does....I'm always looking for mood enhancers to try out.

I'll post an update in a couple weeks when I get back from Las Vegas....not gonna have a chance to try it out until then.

It would be great if it works to lower bp, but I sure as fuck don'y need to trust anyone nor do I want to start nursing. :shoot2:
I like what I hear but how powerful are these effects especially the reduction of pain and inflamation. This would prove to be pretty usefull for me since I despise pain meds of any sort. Does anyone have a testomony of this new product and is there a discoutn code if someone wants to try it out.
lol @ makes you trust ppl more...

i should put my g/f on this.. just tell her it is for fat burning..
I've used it and it doesn't make you gullible or anything like that. Instead of making you trust people more, I'd say it is more of a social lubricant or something that eases the apprehension some get before entering into social situations.

The benefits I notice when using it are: remain calm in otherwise stressful situations, able to relax without feeling groggy and improved focus throughout the day without jitters or anything that comes along with caffeine, etc.

Also, it helps alleviate the cravings for cigarettes. I don't smoke but my wife was a pack+ a day smoker who cut down to 5 a day without changing anything else. She said it just made her not want a smoke as often. Now she has been smoke free for almost 2 weeks.

I think it is a real good product.
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That's pretty accurate. It makes you calmer with people and feel like you do when you fall in love or kiss someone for the first time. It's pretty awesome actually.

This is from Wikipedia:

Oxytocin is a peptide of nine amino acids (a nonapeptide). The sequence is cysteine - tyrosine - isoleucine - glutamine - asparagine - cysteine - proline - leucine - glycine (CYIQNCPLG). The cysteine residues form a sulfur bridge.

The structure of oxytocin is very similar to that of antidiuretic hormone, (also known as vasopressin), which is also a nonapeptide with a sulfur bridge. Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone are the only known hormones released by the human posterior pituary gland.

Plays some role in orgasm – for both males and females. Oxytocin concentrations in the blood are significantly elevated in both sexes during sexual arousal and orgasm (Carmichael et al 1987). In males, oxytocin is said to facilitate sperm transport in ejaculation.

# Thought to induce pair bonding in people. Plasma concentrations of oxytocin have been reported to be higher amongst people who claim to be falling in love. It is also thought that oxytocin might mediate other forms of pair bonding such as friendship and family relationships as given above. Reduction of sociophobic behavior was shown after treatment with oxytocin. # Nasally-administered oxytocin appears to generate trust in humans. In a 2005 study, it was shown that in a risky investment game, experimental subjects given the hormone displayed what the researchers deemed "the highest level of trust" twice as often as the control group who were given placebos. The same experiment with the subjects told that they were interacting with a computer showed no such reaction, leading to the conclusion that oxytocin was not merely affecting risk-aversion (Kosfeld 2005)

# Nasally-administered oxytocin has been reported to reduce fear in humans and to reduce the activity of the amygdala (which contains a large number of oxytocin receptors and is in general thought to be responsible for fear responses). It is thus possible that oxytocin lowers fear by lowering amygdala activity. (Kirsch 2005)

# Various anti-stress functions: reducing blood pressure and cortisol levels, increasing tolerance to pain, reducing anxiety. Oxytocin may play a role in encouraging "tend and befriend", as opposed to "fight or flight", behavior, in response to stress.

# Oxytocin and oxytocin receptors are also found in the heart, and the hormone appears to play an important role in the embryonal development of the heart by promoting cardiomyocyte differentiation. (Paquin & Danalache 2002, Jankowski 2004)

# According to some studies in animals, oxytocin inhibits the development of tolerance to various addictive drugs (opiates, cocaine, alcohol) and reduces withdrawal symptoms. (Kovacs 1998)

Oxytocin is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract and is therefore administered by injection or as nasal spray. Oxytocin given intravenously does not enter the brain in significant quantities - it is excluded from the brain by the blood-brain barrier. Drugs administered by nasal spray are thought to have better access to the CNS.
Good responses.....thanks!

Gonna try some this weekend after I shake my post-Vegas cold. Some broad must have given it to me ;)

No not even close. The active ingredient is oxytocin, a naturally ocurring hormone in both males and females. It is not even closely related to oxycotin the pain killer.
Im bumping this thread, because i want to know more about it. Is it safe? Who should it be used by? Does everything claimed really work? Anyone used it?
Yeah my buddy has fuckloads of this at his farm. I would be a little apprehensive ot start sticking myself though. Doesn't seem worth it. Of course the research products are a nasal spray...